Night of the Jaguar

Read Online Night of the Jaguar by Michael Gruber - Free Book Online

Book: Night of the Jaguar by Michael Gruber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Gruber
Say oarrr-kidd !” She gestured to his mouth and made opening and closing motions with her hand. She saw light dawn in his eyes.
    “The Little Brother of the Blood,” he said in his own language, and continued, “This is a very useful plant. We grind the tubers and soak the mash in cane alcohol and then boil it down into a syrup. We use it to treat arthritis, diarrhea, headache, temperature, cough, digestion diseases, and to help to heal wounds and boils.”
    “Good,” said Jenny with a smile. “And we call it an or-chid. Now this is a monkey. Can you say mon-key ?”
    He could, and so on through the other pictures. At the jaguar, he said, “You know, that is very dangerous. I don’t think Jaguar would likeyou capturing his soul like that. A bad thing could happen.” Jenny smiled and nodded. At least he was talking.
    Kevin returned looking hectic. “Hey, they found a coon’s head in a tree and blood all around, guts and all. The cops think it was a wild dog pack, that or homeless guys out hunting. Who’s this?” pointing at the Indian.
    “His name’s Juan Bautista. He comes from the Amazon, and we’re going to help him keep this company from cutting down his rain forest.”
    “You’re shitting me! Where’d you find him?”
    “He just showed up. It’s sort of like fate.”
    “Oh, right, fate. Did you tell him we don’t do shit?” He addressed the Indian. “Wrongo outfit, man. We no stoppo no cutto down treeso, only talko talko, hando out brochureso.”
    “Well, we have a chance, now, Kevin. I don’t see why you have to always be so fucking down on everything. This little guy’s got the name of the company that’s doing it, and he says they’re right here in Miami.”
    Geli Vargos returned, her face alight. “I looked it up and it checks out. There is a company called Consuela Holdings in Miami, and they have an office on North Miami Avenue, 540 North Miami. And I looked up the Puxto Reserve on the Net. There’s not supposed to be any logging at all there, so it has to be an illegal cut. God, Rupert’s going to go crazy over this.”
    “Yeah, he’ll write a letter to the papers, that’s how crazy he’ll get,” Kevin said. “Or maybe if he’s really fired up he’ll try to get an interview on NPR. Hey, I got an idea. Let’s fucking go up there right now. Confront the bastards with what’s-his-face here, the evidence of their crimes. We got the address.”
    “I don’t think that’s smart—” said Geli.
    “Oh, fuck smart!” He turned to the Indian. “Look, man, we go now, right. To Consuela, tell them no choppo my trees, okay? You come with me now, yes? Pronto, Consuela, con me. ”
    “Consuela, pronto, sí, ” said the Indian, making a peculiar twisting motion of his head that seemed to mean affirmation.
    Kevin began leading the Indian to the VW. Geli said, “Kevin, come on, don’t be an asshole. We have all this stuff here. How in hellare we supposed to pack it up if you take the truck? And you can’t speak Spanish—you won’t know what’s going on.”
    “I had a year of it in school. Hasta la vista, baby!” He placed the Indian in the shotgun seat and jumped behind the wheel.
    “Kevin, damn it, hold on!” said Jenny. “This is stupid. We should pack this all up and go together, and like plan it out with Rupert and all.”
    Kevin cranked it up hard, sending clouds of acrid smoke into the air. “Girls, now be sure to get those petitions signed,” he crowed, “me and Tonto here gonna whip some ass at the despoilers’ headquarters. ¡Viva la revolución! ”
    With that he was out in the street and tooling away before they could get out another word.
    Moie sits in the van quietly, feeling content. This is the first time he has been in an enclosed motor vehicle, but he is neither frightened nor impressed. He knows the wai’ichura machines are strong and quick, but he thinks they don’t give the wai’ichura much beauty. Jaguar had said he would find allies among

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