Saving Forever - Part 1

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Book: Saving Forever - Part 1 by Lexy Timms Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexy Timms
of the room without a goodbye or a see you later.
    She let out the breath she didn’t even know she had been holding. Did he talk to his patients the same way? His bedside manner could probably use some work.
    The clock above the door showed it was nearly four. She needed to get back to the hotel to shower and get ready herself. She did one more walk around the room and counted to sixty. That would give her father enough time to get to the elevator and be gone so she wouldn’t have to see him again until later on. She grabbed her stuff and dashed out the door, opting for the staircase just to be on the safe side.
    After racing home, Charity showered, straightened her hair and did her makeup. She stood in front of the hotel bed trying to choose between the two dresses she had brought. One was a just above the knee black designer dress with a gold buckle where the v-cut centre met. The other had a long skirt dress and the top neatly twisted so the material pulled to the side right by her hip.
    She tried the first on and posed in front of the mirror. Classy but it would make the corners of her father’s mouth pull down. Off it went and the charcoal long dress traded places.  This one. She liked it because it made her small breasts appear larger and her waist tighter. Classy but relaxed.
    Good to go. She drove back to the hospital and made a mental note to ask her father for a parking permit. The walk from the visitor parking lot wasn’t the issue, but constantly carrying boxes would be easier. Tonight’s box weighed about twenty pounds. She had gone to the printer’s down in Atlanta this week and ordered an invitation with information about the gala six months away. Reading material and something for the hospital staff to mark their calendars and remember. The sheets had been done like a wedding invitation in heavy paper with gilded gold and sparkles to look like diamonds. They’d turned out really beautiful.
    Half way to the hospital entrance, a male voice called from a parked car in the doctor’s reserved area. “Need some help?”
    Simon! Charity smiled at her best friend’s husband. He waved and walked around to the passenger side to let Julie out. Charity waited for them.
    “Here, let me carry that.” Tall Simon easily took the box from her arms and carried it. “You look gorgeous, Charity.” He kissed her on the cheek before planting a kiss on his wife’s lips. “You’re looking particularly hot tonight as well, wifey.”
    “You’re so cheesy.” Julie shook her head. “He’s only coming because I promised him you’d have beer and wine.”
    Charity smiled. “There’s whiskey too. And rum.”
    “Ahhh, a girl after my own heart. Why didn’t I meet you before Juls?”
    Julie playfully punched him in the arm. “You did! You asked her out and she turned you down.”
    “I did? I don’t remember that.” Simon quickened his step at the same time opening the hospital ’s sliding automatic door.
    “That’s ‘cause you try to pretend it never happened.” Julie shook her head, winking at Charity.
    “For the record,” Charity said grinning, “I didn’t turn you down because I wasn’t interested, I had some major test I needed to study for.”
    Simon dramatically dropped his head. “And to think I had a chance.”
    Julie snorted. “You never had a chance.”
    Charity hit the elevator button. “I think you guys did pretty good finding each other. At least you’re not thirty and still waiting to get married.”
    Simon let the girls onto the elevator first. “In some countries a man is allowed to have more than one wife.”
    “It’s not going to happen, Simon. Not going to happen.” Julie waved her index finger at him.
    Charity laughed. She loved their banter and how easy they got along. “I’ve missed you guys.”
    “Well don’t avoid coming to New York.” Julie pretended to scold her. “Move back here so you can hang with us all the time.”
    “Except don’t plan too many of these

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