NFH 02 Perfection
out the clock. Her stomach churned
when she realized that she was a minute late.
    She'd always hated being yelled at by
her bosses, but she had a feeling that being yelled at by a
Bradford was going to be ten times worse. This really was not the
best way to start her first day.
    "Good morning, Zoe," Jared said,
smiling, making her even more nervous.
    "Good morning, Mr. Bradford," she
said, trying not to shift nervously.
    "It's Jared," he reminded her, still
smiling as he headed for the kitchen counter and poured himself a
cup of coffee. "Would you like some?" he asked, holding up the
coffee pot.
    "No thank you, sir," she
    He rolled his eyes, shaking his head
good naturedly as he walked back towards his office. "It's Jared,
not Mr. Bradford and certainly not 'sir'. Just relax, Zoe. You'll
do fine," he promised with a wink.
    "Okay, thank you," she said, forcing a
small, albeit, nervous smile.
    "Yell if you have any problems," he
called out from his office.
    Zoe slowly exhaled the breath she
hadn't realized she'd been holding and walked towards the fridge to
put her lunch away.
    "You can't put that in
    Great. Not even five minutes into her
first day and she was already screwing up. She felt her cheeks burn
as she turned around. "I'm sorry. I thought it was the employee
refrigerator," she explained to Haley, who was walking, well more
like wobbling, towards her.
    "Oh, it is," Haley said, smiling. "But
if you put it in there it will be gone within ten minutes." Zoe
watched as she pulled several ice packs from the freezer. "I have a
system for this," she said.
    Curious, Zoe followed her to the desk
and watched as Haley sat in the chair and unlocked one of the large
bottom desk drawers, revealing a really large box of tampons. Zoe
felt her lips twitch as Haley shot her a mischievous
    "I've tried other things, but in my
experience tampons are the best deterrent for the food thieves,
although cleaning supplies have been known to work in a pinch,"
Haley explained as she handed Zoe an ice pack. In an unspoken
agreement they both hurried to place the ice packs in their bags
and placed them in the large drawer, shutting and locking it
seconds before Jason came storming into the office.
    "What are you doing?" he demanded,
eyeing them suspiciously as they huddled behind the
    "I was just about to show Zoe the
computer system," Haley said, smiling sweetly up at her husband as
she turned the computer on.
    "Look," Jason said, running
his fingers through his short mussed hair, "I didn't want to do
this, but she," he pointed an accusing finger towards Zoe, "has a
Red Sox tee shirt and thinks it's cute ."
    Haley blinked. "They are."
    "They...what....what the hell?" Jason
sputtered, pressing a hand to his chest in what Zoe was quickly
beginning to recognize as a typical Bradford overreaction, even if
it was cute to watch. It was funny how she never really thought of
large muscular men as cute before, but after meeting the Bradford
men there really was no other way to describe them, well other than
studly and hot that is.
    "Can we get back to work now?" Haley
asked, sounding innocent, but Zoe didn't miss the woman's lips
twitching or the humor sparkling in her eyes. Something told her
that this woman truly enjoyed torturing her husband.
    "For god sake's, my little
grasshopper, you love the Yankees more than I do! What the hell is
going on?" He turned accusing eyes on Zoe. "How dare you brainwash
my wife?" he hissed.
    "Are you going to leave so that we can
get some work done?" Haley demanded, turning her attention to the
    "No," he said stubbornly, folding his
arms over his chest, glaring at them.
    "Buttercream frosting," Haley said
softly, never taking her eyes away from her computer
    Jason licked his lips as he looked his
pregnant wife over hungrily. "Tonight?" he croaked out.
    "If you're good," Haley said, with a
small shrug. "But you have to leave-"
    "Bye," Jason said quickly, cutting her
off and

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