NFH 02 Perfection
rushing out of the trailer just as fast as he
    "I'm really sorry about him," Haley
said, looking at her over her shoulder, giving Zoe a sheepish
    "I thought you weren't going to
apologize for him," Zoe reminded her, smiling. There was just
something about Haley that made her relax, which was a little
discomforting since she couldn't remember the last time she felt
relaxed at work.
    "You're absolutely right, but he does
entertain me so," she said on a dreamy sigh.
    "A sign of a good husband," Zoe
    "Exactly," Haley said,
    As much as she was enjoying talking
with Haley she couldn't help the nagging feeling that she should
get back to work. At her old job idle chit chat was not tolerated
and since Zoe had been there for three years the concept of solely
focusing on work was well ingrained.
    "What should we go over first?" Zoe
asked, hoping the abrupt change didn't dampen the easy going
comradely they seemed to be sharing. She hadn't had many friends in
her life over the past couple of years and talking with someone as
kind as Haley was a nice treat for her.
    "Sure, I'll show you everything, but
it will of course be up to you how you want to handle everything,"
Haley said, still smiling warmly, Zoe noted with relief. "I've only
been filling in over the summer so that Dad had some help. I really
haven't been able to get a system going so however you want to do
this is totally up to you."
    "Okay, that sounds good," Zoe said,
practically jumping to the side as Haley stood up and waddled past
    "Have a seat."
    "Are you sure?" Zoe asked, a little
uncomfortable with the idea of taking a pregnant woman's
    "Definitely," Haley said, placing a
hand on her stomach as she made her way around the desk. She walked
over to the sitting area and proceeded to grab a chair and drag
    "Wait!" Zoe said, practically running
around the desk to stop her. "Let me do that for you."
    "Thank you," Haley said, smiling
sweetly as she followed Zoe back around the desk. She switched her
comfortable office chair out for the sturdy waiting room chair.
Haley looked like she was going to argue, but Zoe wasn't having it.
She gestured for the woman to sit down in the comfortable
    With a muttered, "slave driver" that
startled a surprised laugh out of Zoe, Haley sat down. She couldn't
remember the last time that she laughed at work. Zoe had to admit
it felt nice and she hoped it was a sign that things were going to
    "Haley, could you take a look at this
printout. Something isn't adding up. I just got off the phone with
Robinson and that jerk is giving me the runaround again. Could you
look this over and see......," Jared's words trailed off as he
looked up from the large pile of ledgers and folders he was
carrying when he spotted Haley curled up on the couch,
    Zoe cringed as she stood up, ready to
defend the poor woman who struggled until ten minutes ago to keep
her eyes open. Normally she would have woken Haley back up, but the
poor woman was pregnant and obviously exhausted and Zoe hadn't had
the heart to wake her. Instead she'd been keeping an ear out so
that she could wake the poor woman before she got caught sleeping
on the job.
    Unfortunately by the time she heard
Jared's approach he was already in the room speaking a mile a
minute and she couldn't wake Haley without drawing attention to the
fact that Haley was sleeping. She knew the man had an obvious soft
spot for his daughter-in-law, but that didn't mean he'd appreciate
her wasting company time and money.
    Her stomach coiled with dread as Jared
placed the stack of books on the corner of her desk and approached
Haley. She shifted nervously as she tried to decide what she should
do. In her old job she would have just kept working and minded her
own business, but Haley had been really nice to her, not that Jared
hadn't, but she just couldn't stand by and let the woman get in
trouble for this.
    She opened her mouth to make an excuse

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