Nazi Secrets: An Occult Breach in the Fabric of History

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Book: Nazi Secrets: An Occult Breach in the Fabric of History by Frank Lost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Lost
Tags: Occult Nazism
flight (the Ju 390 V1) was not on French soil at that moment, since it was in Prague (Czechoslovakia) from November 1943 until late March 1944.

    These German authors offered one more reason why this could not have been done, namely because the Ju 390 V1 prototype was unable to take off with the fuel load necessary for a round-trip flight to America. As for the second and last model of the Ju 390, named Ju 390 V2, it was not completed prior to October 1944.

The Genocide

    The first Allied soldiers who liberated the death camps had no words to describe what they had witnessed. This was a massive irruption of horror and barbarian practices of a primitive era. The comparison with the torments and tortures during the Inquisition in the Middle Ages can only be evoked for the way the victims were put to death, but the main difference with these Dark Ages was the magnitude of the plague that had struck these innocent victims: they could be counted by the millions.

    Most historians saw this as the mere and logical consequences of the eugenics of the Nazi anti-Semitism that lied at the core of the national-socialist ideology. This can be true. But there remains at least one question that cannot be answered by pure Nazi fanaticism: Why did the Germans give priority to trains transporting Jews to death camps over their own army convoys, full of soldiers and tanks, right when the tide of war had turned and they needed these resources more than ever on the Russian front?

    The first ones to tackle the subject, though not necessarily the most serious authors, were Pauwels & Bergier in their Morning of the Magicians. They linked the Thule Society with certain magic practices that could reach the Powers, and thus be anointed to dominate the world while being protected against all possible dangers. This pact was supposed to last for a thousand years, until the next Big Flood. In return, these Powers demanded that each member of the Thule Society who made a mistake die from his own hand. In the mind of the highest-ranking Nazis in charge of perpetrating the genocide, these sacrifices would serve to get the attention of the Powers, and have them on their side against their enemies. In the mid-20th century, they behaved in the same way as did the Mayans in pre-Colombian America, sacrificing human lives to the sun.

    In 2003, David Brin & Scott Hampton published The Life Eaters through DC Comics. This is a sci-fi comic that belongs to the alternate history or uchronia genre. A uchronia always chooses a turning point in history and asks the question, "What if it did not turn out the way it did?"; like, "What if Hitler had won the war?" or "What if the Confederates were the victors of the Civil War?"

    On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Allied armada approaching the landing beaches of Normandy is wiped out by the lightning attack of the Norse gods, who came to fight side by side with the Nazis. Some say that the ancient Norse gods died with their last believer. The purpose of the occultist Nazis is to resuscitate them, by feeding them with the millions of souls of the victims they exterminated in their death camps.

    All these fantasies are directly linked to the extent of the murders and the genocide, and yet they could not be understood by the victors: how could a very civilized nation like Germany do it ... if not under an evil spell?

Nazism Becomes
    a Semi-Religious Movement

    The birth of a new religion needs a cosmogonical myth of creation, a God or a deified prophet, a clergy, a ritual and of course, followers who possess a strong enough holy Faith for proselytism. It is a much more subtle step, and it takes a much longer time to crystalize those ingredients in a successful alchemy than, for example, the more simple "Cargo Cults" that developed in some islands of the Pacific Ocean particularly during WWII.

    These religious ingredients were not all present at the time of Jesus, but they developed in the decades and even the few centuries after

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