Nazi Secrets: An Occult Breach in the Fabric of History

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Book: Nazi Secrets: An Occult Breach in the Fabric of History by Frank Lost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Lost
Tags: Occult Nazism

    Like the ancient astronaut theories, he lamented that the Nephilim (Fallen Angels), or renegade Hyperboreans, took advantage of their relationships with the Demiurge's human creatures to have sexual intercourse with them. This miscegenation diluted their light-bearing blood, emerging from the Black Sun, and their divine energy power called Vril. To the Demiurge's delight, i.e., the tribal deity Jehovah of the Jews, this diminished the conscious awareness for the divine on this planet, making it easier for him to control.

    Miguel Serrano as a diplomat in India in 1957

    Serrano states thus that "There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus considered it a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is that but not the light of the Golden Sun, not of a galactic sun, but the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray." (See chapter on the Vril for explanations on the Green Color).

    In this context, Hitler was seen as an emissary of the Higher Gods who vanished in his bunker in 1945, but who waits underground somewhere in Antarctica, to emerge in the future with a fleet of UFOs, beat the Forces of Darkness (i.e. the Jews) and start a Fourth Reich.

The Black Sun

    History of religions, esotericism and pseudo-sciences provide not a single aspect of the Black Sun, but many. Beyond these differences, the question is to know if one deals with different facets of the same theme, and if so, if they can be structured into a single one, or if the Black Sun is just a generic name for unrelated phenomena. Nowadays the Black Sun refers almost exclusively to a neo-Nazi symbol that can be found inlaid in the marble floor of the Wewelsburg castle in Germany.

    The Egyptians – Alchemy, like Freemasonry, plunges its roots into Egyptian mythology. The solar cycle is probably at the origin of one of the oldest myths that inspired the ancient Egyptians and mankind, as can be seen in the duality of Ra/Osiris. Ra dies after 12 hours of reign and resuscitates as Osiris during the next 12 hours, after which the latter dies to be reborn as Ra. Osiris stands for the Black Sun, and this natural cycle is tuned to the rhythm of our daily biological physiology, as well as to our souls reincarnating from a body to another.

    The Mesoamerican mythology – The Mesoamerican myths are shared by, among others, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Mexicas and the Toltecs. One prominent god common to these people is Quetzalcoatl, literally "feathered serpent," who incarnates one of the many mystical beliefs of the Black Sun in Central America. After his shining passage through the sky during the day, he would dive into the underworld with a blackened aura.

    The Aztecs compared the passage of the sun into the underworld with a butterfly, which is an archetype for transformation and reincarnation. The only event when the Black Sun would appear during the day would be a solar eclipse. He would then be identified with the earth goddess Itzpapalotl, also called the "Obsidian Butterfly" (obsidian is a very dark volcanic stone), who would eat men during that exceptional cosmic event.

    Whereas the Aztecs believed in five successive worlds corresponding to five suns, the fifth being ours, the Mexicas held the Black Sun for such an ancient sun that was the female origin of everything. It could be seen as a fecundity symbol coming from the womb of death, i.e., a metempsychosis or reincarnation principle.

    The alchemical Sol Niger – Alchemy, hermeticism and gnosis tell us of the existence of two opposed Manichaean beliefs, corresponding, in our case, to two suns: an apparent material one (or "material gold") and a hidden one (or "philosophical gold"). The material sun of our planetary system, which consumes itself through a simple nuclear fusion based on hydrogen, could as such possibly be seen as a "Dark Sun," but still not a black one.

    The strict alchemical principle of Sol Niger (literally: "Black Sun" in Latin) refers to the

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