The Letter

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Book: The Letter by Sandra Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Owens
Tags: General Fiction
when a knock sounded at her door. Thinking it must be Jamie, she hurried to let him in.
    The air left her lungs. “Oh, it’s you.” She reached back to try to hold the dress together.
    The lines near his eyes crinkled in amusement. “Yes, it is me.”
    If it had been Leo, she would have gone as still and quiet as stone, but something made her want to test Daventry. She needed to know how easily he could be provoked to anger.
    “Well, I’m not ready.” She tried to close the door.
    “I see that,” he said with laughter in his voice. He pushed the door back open. “Turn around and I will button your gown.”
    She didn’t know if she could bear to have him touch her, but she couldn’t manage it herself. Reluctantly, she turned her back to him. When she felt the light touch of his fingers on her back, she stilled and tried not to shudder.
    Yet, there was only the gentlest of pressure as he buttoned her gown. She lowered her head and closed her eyes. She would not allow into her heart the memory of how tenderly those hands had once caressed her, would not recall his words of love or his promises.
    “There, you are now presentable.”
    His voice was clipped, edged with anger. Turning to face him, she took a step back in fear. She knew how to read rage in a man’s eyes. How had she displeased him?
    Michael forced a smile. She had a burn mark on her back like that a cigar or cheroot would make. When he was sure he had his fury under control, he held out his arm.
    “I came to escort you to dinner as you are not familiar with Wyburne.”
    “Where is Jamie, Lord Daventry?”
    “The young baron is waiting for us downstairs. Before we go, there is one thing I would ask of you.”
    She clutched her hands together, her expression wary. “What would that be, my lord?”
    He was truly tired of this fearful woman. He lowered his arm. “I would ask that you call me Michael.”
    She gave a vigorous shake of her head. Leo had trained her to be obedient, and though Michael regretted it, he wasn’t above using that knowledge against her. He wanted her to feel as if she were on equal footing with him. The use of his Christian name might help achieve that.
    He shrugged and tried for a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid I must insist, Diana. I intend to give Jamie leave to address me as Michael, also.” And, perhaps someday, Papa.
    “What do you want from us?”
    He was certain that question had been preying on her mind. They would discuss the future after she read Leo’s letter. “For now, to be addressed as Michael. Say my name, please.”
    She took a deep breath and exhaled his name in a whisper. Well, it was a weak attempt, but it was a start. “Thank you.” He held out his arm again. “Come, let’s go find your son.”
    That seemed to be enough motivation for her to place her hand on his arm. He wasn’t sure, but he thought her fingers rested easier than before. Or perhaps it was only his imagination. As he led her down the hall to the stairs, he inhaled and smelled roses. He leaned his head closer and inhaled again. Yes, she smelled of roses.
    She stayed quiet through dinner, leaving him and Jamie to carry the conversation. Her appetite had improved, however, and he was pleased to see she drank her wine. He observed her throughout dinner. Would she ever be able to put her demons to rest?
    He noticed her glass was empty and touched her arm as delicately as he could manage it. She startled, her gaze falling to his hand.
    “Would you like more wine, Diana?”
    She glanced at her glass, then at him as she obviously tried to determine what answer he wanted. He kept his face bland and waited. Patience had never been one of his virtues, but he was going to have to dig deep and find it if he was to have this kind of response from her every time he asked a question.
    “No, thank you, my lord,” she finally said.
    Her lashes lowered. “No thank you, Michael.”
    After a gentle squeeze of her hand, he let

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