My Wicked Enemy

Read Online My Wicked Enemy by Carolyn Jewel - Free Book Online

Book: My Wicked Enemy by Carolyn Jewel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Jewel
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal, Witches, Romantic Suspense Fiction, Demonology
was getting permission to assassinate one of their own kind, and the fiend was glad, the way a drug addict was glad for another fix. “If Kynan’s dead, Magellan is vulnerable.” And that was true. “Carson Philips will get me close enough to take him.” Because, yeah. Once a fiend gets a taste for killing, he never really loses the desire. “He’s out there. Without Magellan. Find him and take him down.”
    He let go of the bottle. “My pleasure, Nikodemus.”
    Nikodemus told Durian where Kynan had been the last time he saw him and where he and Carson had been when he managed to get her stunted magic shut down enough for Kynan to have to work at tracking her. Kynan was going to find her eventually, and Nikodemus didn’t want him carrying out Magellan’s orders. The witch was going to be useful to him. “There’s nobody better than you, Durian.”
    He rose, all six-foot-plus muscled length of him. His eyes sparkled. “Doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.”
    “No fooling.” The problem with mageheld fiends was you couldn’t feel them. Other than fiends who belonged to the same sorcerer, a mageheld fiend was cut off from his own kind. No back and forth the way he and Durian had with each other right now, feeling each other slip in and out of each other’s minds. Magehelds were practically human in their inability to connect, the poor bastards. He felt another flare-up from Carson. High tide right now. Her witch magic was seriously cranking him. Had to be the magic, right? What else could it be? At this rate, he was going to have to do a little self-pleasure to get through the night.
    Durian felt it, too. At freaking last. “She’s waking up.”
    “Yeah. Any minute now.”
    Durian took a long breath. “I don’t like it.”
    “You don’t have to. Just be careful and call me when it’s done.”
    Durian gazed at him for a while, then bowed his head and pressed his first three fingers to his forehead. “Warlord.”
    After Durian left, Nikodemus relaxed against the couch and let Carson’s magic flow over him. He felt the draw all the way to his balls, and he imagined what it would be like with a woman as beautiful and forbidden as Carson Philips. He’d get her naked slowly, kissing and caressing all the parts he revealed, touching her until she was melting in his arms. Making love to her would be sweet, because that’s what she was deep down. Slow and easy for their first time, because Magellan had damaged her so badly—he happened to know her sexual experience was limited enough that she thought she wasn’t all that wild about men and their needs. Later, when she knew how good sex could be for her, they could try a few things. But first, they’d do sweet. She needed somebody to show her what that was like, to have a lover who thought of her first.
    Carson’s eyes fluttered open.
    Chapter 6

    C arson fought the urge to throw up. The effort took all her concentration. All of it. Colors streaked behind her closed eyes, intense purple, violent green, and orange against dead black. When her stomach eased up, she cracked an eye and saw the strap of her purse. That made no sense. God, she felt wrung out. The moment she tried to focus, her head spun, full and empty at the same time. If the vertigo didn’t stop, she’d be sick to her stomach. She closed her eyes. At least the sensation of the room spinning out of control stopped. The inside of her skull burned.
    Isn’t that what Nikodemus said he would do?
    Nikodemus. He was real. A fiend out of the Gobi Desert. And he had made her feel like he was in her head. He had been. He’d taken control of her and had done whatever he wanted to.
    He was in the room with her right now.
    Adrenaline flashed through her. That got her eyes open again. This time the streaking colors didn’t take over her vision. Her purse strap did. She wasn’t on her chair anymore. Her cheek pressed against an unforgiving floor. One arm was trapped under her stomach, and her

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