Her Bodyguard: A BBW Billionairess Romance

Read Online Her Bodyguard: A BBW Billionairess Romance by Milly Taiden, Mina Carter - Free Book Online

Book: Her Bodyguard: A BBW Billionairess Romance by Milly Taiden, Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden, Mina Carter
me I’m being nosy?”
    He lifted a hand and hooked a finger in a come-on motion. “Nope. I was a soldier. I went places and did things that most people don’t want to know about, that I couldn’t talk about with normal people. Then I left the army and got paid better for what I’m good at.”
    Her smile dropped into a frown. “Do you miss your old work? I mean, I bet you had friends there, no?”
    “Dead.” He smiled to take the sting out of his words. “Occupational hazard.”
    “I’m sorry. I bet that’s something you hear all the time, but I am. It must suck to lose friends. I remember losing my parents. It was hell.” She moved forward a step and stopped.
    “Like I said, occupational hazard. When the first bullet flies, you’re dead anyway. You just have to take as many of the wankers with you as you can. Who dares wins and all that.”
    “What made you move to the states?” She moved through the combination at half speed, obviously more intent on quizzing him, and he let her, using his hands to bat away her kick.
    “I didn’t move to the States, not permanently. I’m more freelance, shall we say? Tom called me in, and I was between jobs, so...here I am.”
    “Does that mean you’ll be leaving here once you teach me to stop inviting danger into my life?”
    He looked away, rolled his shoulder again even though it hadn’t locked. That wasn’t a question he wanted to consider. Not even in the privacy of his own mind.
    “I couldn’t imagine that kind of life. That sounds so...dangerous.” She bit her lip and moved her hands to her waist.
    “Dangerous?” He choked back a laugh. “Did you miss the definition of soldier? That’s kinda what it’s all about.”
    “You’re back to the jerk, I see. I know soldiers are in constant danger, but the way you said it made me feel like you were some kind of super-secret navy seal.” She laughed. “I have an overactive imagination.”
    He stopped, giving her a look. “I’m British. So Navy Seal is out. You’re along the right lines though.”
    “Don’t get testy. I’m not up to date on all the different military brands in the US, much less Britain. I have bigger things to worry about, like how I’m going to kick you in the balls and make it hurt while still making sure you can use them again.”
    He spread his arms wide. “Then try. Manage it, and I’ll let you have a break. Don’t…” His grin widened. “And more punishment.”
    “I don’t know what I could have thought was sexy about you,” she mumbled. She perked up suddenly, smiling wide at him. “You know, you have really pretty eyes,” she said, combining her words with a swift kick to his crotch.
    He moved swiftly, turning to the side to wrap her leg with an arm. A half turn took her off her feet, and he fell backward. His back hit the mats, but he had her safely cushioned against his chest. Her breath left her lungs in a rush at the unexpected impact. He didn’t stop there, neatly flipping her over and pinning her to the mat before she could react.
    “An insult and a compliment as distraction?” He grinned, amused at the annoyance flaring in her eyes. “Child’s play sweetheart, to distract me you’d need to put a bullet in my leg. Maybe not even then.”
    Amanda stared deep into his gorgeous blue eyes. He mentioned being shot, so it made her curious to see if he had any bullet wounds. She grinned, watching his brows rise. “I bet I can figure out a way to distract you. And I won’t have to shoot you.”
    “Really now? Do your worst, sweetheart,” he said, his voice dropping low with that sinfully sexy accent of his making her shiver all over. He didn’t move, just watched her. Waiting, as if daring her. And there was nothing she liked more than a challenge.
    She trailed her hands down his sides and under his shirt, raking her nails over his back, down to his ass, and squeezing his cheeks. Then she widened her legs, cradling his cock with her pelvis. Oh boy, he

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