My Future With Mr White
that you will forfeit that position at LAC, I have nothing else to say,” he said.
    “ Why don’t you just try and see things from where I stand? Have you tried to walk a mile in my shoes yet?” she asked.
    “ Let’s see if your shoe fits, Tasha. Let’s see, would you ever trade the life you had as a child, your childhood, to be in some quote unquote good school?” he asked. Natasha looked at him, unsure of what was expected of her at that moment. The truth was, she did not live a very privileged lifestyle but she still managed to carve out a great life for herself. She knew more than anyone that her life and career were the result of her father’s hard work...and hers, and she also wanted to do the same for Alexis.
    “ No, I wouldn’t, but I would have done anything to help my dad out,” she said. Natasha looked into his eyes for any sign of Mitchell yielding but there was none.
    “ And I must say, Eric and Estelle did exceptional work with you but my point is, you did not have to be in an over-glorified school, especially, preschool, to turn out the way you did. This, you being who you are now, had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you went to a twenty-five thousand dollar a term preschool. It was all in you and in your dad,” Mitchell said.
    Natasha shook her head and sighed.
    “But I....” Mitchell put his hands up, silencing her immediately. He walked to the bedroom and undressed before he stepped into the shower while Natasha paced around the kitchen. She was dreading going to bed. It would be an awkward situation for both of them. She checked up on the baby and then took the monitor with her before finally getting into bed. Mitchell got out of the bathroom and walked straight to the nursery. He walked back to the bedroom and got into bed without a word. “So, you are giving me the silent treatment?” Natasha asked.
    “ Tasha, not now,” he said without turning around.
    “ This is not the kind of marriage I want,” she said in a low voice. Mitchell turned around and looked at her.
    “ What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked.
    “ This, fighting and you ignoring me, this is not what I want,” she said.
    “ So, what are you saying?” he asked. He was afraid of saying the exact words for fear that she would answer in the affirmative. She shook her head and shrugged. “Natasha! What do you mean?” he asked. She looked into his eyes as a tear threatened to roll down her cheek. He shook his head and got out of bed.
    “ Where are you going?” she asked.
    I am sleeping in the guest room tonight,” he said as he walked out of the bedroom. Natasha felt the tear rolling down her cheek. There was no point holding back anymore. For the rest of the night, Natasha cried herself to sleep as she thought of the mess she had created. She would have to fix this but she had no idea how.
    When she woke up the next morning, Mitchell was long gone. He had left a note for her on the nightstand.
    “He had to have been extremely quiet,” she thought because she had not heard him leave. She took the note and sat up as she read it.
    Hey. I had to leave the house early. Something came up at work and it could not wait. But we need to finish our talk. I will try and come home as early as I can. We need to work this out, the sooner we do it the better it will be for all of us. We cannot just disagree on stuff anymore. It is no longer just us, we have a daughter and if not for us, then we owe it to her.
    She took a deep breath as she read the note over and over. She then glanced at the clock on her nightstand and sighed. She was late for work. It was already eight. She took her phone and called Stacy.
    “ Hey boss lady,” Stacy said in a cheerful voice, like she always did.
    “ Hey. Do I have any pressing matters today?” Natasha asked.
    “ No. It’s a pretty free day. Why? Aren’t you coming in?” she asked. Natasha sighed.
    “ No, I don’t think I can,” she said.
    “ Are you

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