Muscling Through

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Book: Muscling Through by JL Merrow Read Free Book Online
Authors: JL Merrow
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downstairs and ate. Larry made risotto, but it was a bit burnt. Usually he’s a better cook than that. I guess he just had a really bad day at work. “You should’ve let me cook,” I said.
    Larry gave me this tight little smile. “I didn’t want to interrupt you. From what I could see, Ren was keeping you quite busy.”
    “Yeah,” I said. “His arse was kind of interesting.”
    He didn’t say much after that.
    After we had our tea, we went and watched TV. There was some boxing on one of the satellite channels. Usually we cuddle up on the sofa, but that night Larry didn’t seem to want to. So we sat at opposite ends. I didn’t like it so much, but I know some guys like their space, so I didn’t say nothing. Even though Larry doesn’t usually like space. When the adverts came on, Larry sort of huffed and said, “I’m going to bed.”
    I got the remote, and I was going to switch the TV off, but he said, “No, no, you stay down here and watch the rest of the fight.”
    So I did, but I didn’t enjoy it like I usually do.
    When I got to bed, Larry looked like he was asleep, so I didn’t try to cuddle him or nothing. I knew he’d had a hard day. So I just got into bed, but I couldn’t get to sleep, and I didn’t want to wake him up by moving about when my legs got restless, so I went back downstairs and put the TV back on. That just made me more restless, so I went down to the basement and I punched the shit out of my punch bag, and after that I came back up and fell asleep on the sofa.
    When I woke up next morning, I was still on the sofa. Larry was already dressed. He was rushing around and muttering like he was late for work, and the kitchen smelled of burnt toast.
    I tried to grab him and give him a kiss, but he wouldn’t let me. “Sofa comfortable, was it?” he asked. His voice sounded a bit like it does when he talks about Dr. Hardwicke.
    “Not really,” I said. “I got a stiff neck.” I yawned and rubbed it a bit. Usually when I get a stiff neck, Larry gives it a rub, but I guess he didn’t have time.
    “I’ll see you tonight,” he said, and then he was out the door. I felt sad, ’cause it was like we hadn’t really spoken or touched or fucked or nothing since he’d been at work yesterday. But I know he’s got a really important job, and he has to work hard.
    I hoped he’d have a better day and be back to normal when he came home, but he was still really quiet when he got back for dinner. I cooked pasta, but he didn’t eat much. Then he said he had a meeting to go to, and I shouldn’t wait up.
    I waited up anyway, but it’d been a really busy day on the punts, so I fell asleep on the sofa. I don’t know when Larry came home, ’cause he didn’t wake me. I woke up at six a.m. and went to bed, but Larry was fast asleep, so I didn’t like to wake him.
    When he was still really quiet and wouldn’t let me touch him or nothing on Thursday, I knew something was really wrong. Something bad. I tried to think what it was, but I guess I’m not very good at thinking. I was going to ask Larry, but his mum rang. She always rings on Thursdays, ’cause that’s my night with Phil and Daz at the pub, but this Thursday I didn’t feel like going out or nothing.
    I don’t know what they spoke about, ’cause he went into the kitchen and shut the door, but I don’t think she cheered him up or nothing. He was even quieter when he came out. I wanted to say something to make it better, but I’m no good at that. I can never think of what to say. So I tried to cuddle him, but he wouldn’t let me.
    I couldn’t stand it, so I went out to the pub anyway. Phil was there with Leanne from Lidl, but they had a big fight and split up again. Daz said he found out she was cheating on him. I don’t know how people can do that. Either you want to be with someone or you don’t.
    Then I thought, what if they don’t want to be with you?
    I probably drank a bit too much after that, ’cause I felt a bit

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