You Got Me

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Book: You Got Me by Mercy Amare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mercy Amare
interested in me as anything more than a friend. The thought should make me happy, but it didn't. If anything, it kind of made me sad.
    “ What about you?” she asked. “What are you thinking?”
    “ Just that I had a lot of fun this weekend.”
    “ I did too,” she agreed. I could hear the smile in her voice. “Grace is the little sister I always wanted but never got.”
    Roxy is a very private person. She doesn't talk much about her feelings, but every once in awhile she opens up to me. I loved it when she did. I wanted to know everything about her. I needed to know why she was always so sad.
    “I love your town,” she continued. “It's so small, but so charming. After I graduate, I definitely want to move somewhere far away from the city.”
    “ Really?” I was shocked. “I figured you missed the city life. There isn't exactly a lot to do in Alabama.”
    “ When I lived in Chicago, I wasn't exactly worried about being bored. I was just happy to make it through another day, alive...” She immediately cut off her sentence and cleared her throat. “Anyway, I think it's charming here.”
    “ What happened to you?” I needed to know, but immediately regretted asking. I glanced over at her, tears spilled onto her cheeks. “Damn... I'm sorry, Roxy.”
    She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. “I'm sorry I'm so screwed up. I should tell you, but I'm scared. What if you don't want to be friends with me after I tell you?”
    “Why wouldn't I want to be your friend anymore?”
    “ Because it will scare the shit out of you, and it should. You should run far away from me and never look back.”
    “ That will never happen.” I gripped the steering wheel tight. My heart hurt at her words. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know how to.”
    She took a deep breathe. “Remember how I said I was in the hospital for 4 months?”
    I nodded.
    “ I was in the hospital because my own mother tried to kill me.” She shook her head, almost as if she was trying to shake off the memory. “My mom had 3 different personalities. One was similar to June Cleaver. Very motherly. One was cationic, all she did was stare at the wall. That one was my favorite. And the third one...” she shivered. “The third one was mean.
    “ Every day when I came home from school, I would wonder which one would be there waiting for me. The mean one was there the most. And that personality was convinced I had a demon inside of me... That I was a monster...”
    I could see the pain in her eyes, but I didn't stop her. She had never opened up to me, and she might never again.
    “She would always hurt me.” She held up her hand. There was a scar in the palm of her hand. “She liked to burn me a lot. Always on my left hand in the same spot. She was trying to scare the demon out of me. Of course, it never worked. Each time she tortured me, it got worse.
    “ On September third, my sixteenth birthday, I walked home from school. I remember praying the whole way home that monster mom wouldn't be there. I just... I wanted my birthday to be good.” She was now crying, and my heart hurt. “That day she took a knife and cut me from here,” she pointed to the top of her rib cage, “to here,” she pointed to the top of her leg. “She said said she was trying to cut the demon out of me.
    “ I don't remember a lot of it. I passed out from the pain. But I remember waking up. My mom was covered in blood, and her hands... They were inside of my stomach.”
    She began to sob, and I couldn't stand to watch her anymore. I pulled the car into a gas station and pulled her into my chest. I stroked her hair gently, wishing so bad that I could take the pain away. After a few minutes she pulled back.
    “I need to finish...” she took a deep breath. “I passed out once more, but then I woke up again. I'm not sure how much later it was. I thought for sure I was going to die. I felt like I was dying, and a part of me wished I was dead. But my mom was sitting

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