Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
leaving them out in case a storm blew up,” Cam told her.
    “I can rig something up for you,” Phillip told her.
    “What would you two like to eat for lunch? I’m assuming you’ve already had something for breakfast since the kitchen sink has dishes in it.”
    Cam nodded where Phillip had the grace to look uncomfortable.
    Lacy just ignored the two of them and looked through the pantry for something to eat. She decided on a cereal bar and a glass of reconstituted milk. The milk left a taste in her mouth. She had forgotten it would do that. What she wouldn’t give to have fresh milk on occasion.

Chapter Seven

    The next several weeks flew by as the three of them got to know each other. Phillip felt like Lacy was settling in just fine. Cam had proven to be easier on her than he’d expected. He had the tendency to be harsh without meaning to be, but had obviously made an effort not to be with Lacy. Probably that first time of catching her running up the stairs had led him to realize she wouldn’t be as understanding of his overprotectiveness as he had thought.
    Phillip spent as much time with her as possible. He wanted her to be happy there with them and hoped that maybe she would fall in love with them. He knew he was already halfway in love with her. She was perfect for them. She loved working in her garden and kept the house nice, and was warm and satisfying in bed.
    But even more than that, he enjoyed hearing her laughter and seeing her smile. Perhaps the best moments of their times together had been when she smiled at something he had done for her. Something as simple as picking one of the wildflowers for her made her face light up. It humbled him to know that she enjoyed something he did.
    Cam spent time with her, but not as diligently as Phillip did. He called him on it one morning when they were out checking the irrigation systems.
    “You hardly spoke to Lacy yesterday while we were at home all day. What gives?”
    “I talked to her. We fucked first thing that morning.”
    “It’s not the same thing as just spending time with her. I thought you liked her.”
    “I did, I mean I do. I’ve just been busy keeping the journals up and worrying about that damn mole thing that keeps setting off the traps.”
    Something that looked like a giant mole the size of a small beaver was digging under their fields and damaging their crops. They had traps set around all of the fields, but so far they hadn’t caught the thing. He just kept triggering the trap without getting caught.
    “I’m thinking I might stake out one of the fields and see if I can catch him one night.”
    “Don’t change the subject. What’s going on?”
    “Nothing. She’s really into you. I don’t think she’s that fond of me. I’m the one who tells her no, and you’re the one who makes it up to her.” Cam pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair before settling it back on his head.
    “She likes you, Cam. You’re just not spending enough time with her. I’ll stake out the field and you spend time with her. You’ll see. She’s shy around you because she doesn’t know you that well.”
    Cam sighed and shook his head. When Phillip glared at him he threw up his hands and agreed.
    “Fine. I’ll spend more time with her, but I’m staking out the mole. You need to watch her at night. I don’t trust the animals not to enter the yard, and she likes to sit outside on the porch at night.”
    Phillip smiled feeling as if he had won a small victory over the battle to get Cam to fall in love with Lacy. He knew his friend would resist all the way. He was just that sort of man. Falling in love was for other people, not him. Well, Phillip had made it his mission to see his best friend fall.
    Later that night, Lacy finished up the dishes and said she was going to sit outside on the porch for a while. Phillip was usually the one who went with her, but he nodded his head at Cam. At first Cam played dumb, then he sighed and followed her

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