In the Dark

Read Online In the Dark by Heather Graham - Free Book Online

Book: In the Dark by Heather Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Graham
I’ve gotten a good bang for my buck, and that’s what matters.”
    Laurie smiled. “That’s great. I love Moon Bay. It’s not just that I work here—I really love it. It’s a wonderful place for a vacation.”
    “With the happiness and well-being of the guests foremost in everyone’s mind at all times?”
    “Yes, of course…” Laurie murmured, looking down at her hands suddenly. Was that true? What if that hadn’t been a prank on the beach today? If Alex had been right, and a woman had been dead—and what if the killer had come back, aware that the body had washed up, and moved it?
    “What is it?” She suddenly knew why Hank Adamson was considered so good. He asked casual questions; people gave casual answers. So casual you didn’t realize that your mind was wandering off and that you were about to betray your real thoughts.
    “What is what?” she asked innocently.
    “You were about to say something. Do you feel that maybe, just sometimes, management isn’t as concerned with safety as they should be? I’d never quote you by name.”
    Laurie stared at him and smiled slowly. “Well…” She leaned on the table, edging closer to him.
    He did the same, anxious to hear whatever dirt she had to dish.
    She leaned back. “Sorry, I don’t have a bad thing to say about the place.”
    Adamson sat back, as well, obviously disappointed. He shook his head. “If there was something going on…something big, do you think that the employees would get wind of it?”
    “Like what? The president arriving, or something like that?”
    “No…like Moon Bay being involved in…something.”
    “Drugs? Here? Never,” she assured him.
    “I wasn’t referring to drugs,” he assured her.
    She laughed softly. “Illegal immigrants? Not with Jay around. He wouldn’t hire an illegal if his life depended on it.”
    “Not illegals,” Hank said.
    “Just what are you getting at?” she demanded.
    “I don’t know,” he said. “I was hoping you did.”
    “That makes no sense. This is a resort, specially licensed for work with sea mammals. What could be going on?” Other than a body that appeared on the beach, then disappeared.
    “Have you ever heard of a woman named Alicia Farr?” Adamson asked her.
    “Sure. She’s almost like a young, female Jacques Cousteau.”
    “Have you ever met her?”
    “Nope. I think she’s friends, kind of, with Alex. She’s worked with David Denham. I’m pretty sure Jay Galway has worked with her, too.”
    “She hasn’t been here, then, in the last couple of weeks?”
    “Not unless she’s been hiding in the bushes.” Laurie was actually enjoying her conversation with him now. She’d had a few Tiki Hut specials, but she alwayswatched her drinking here. And she could stand up to a grilling by a man like Hank Adamson. “Is she supposed to be here?”
    “There was a rumor she was going to be, but I guess it wasn’t true.”
    “I guess not.”
    “You’re sure she’s not here?” he persisted.
    “There are private cottages here, twenty of them. Eight of them belong to the staff, and twelve are rented out. But this is an island. Room service is the only way to get food. There’s a little convenience shop in the lobby, a boutique…but, honestly, I think it would be pretty hard for someone to hide out in one of the cottages. Maid service is in and out, engineering…. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t here. We’re off the Middle Keys, and there are lots of secluded places on the other islands. Maybe she’s on one of them. I’m sorry to disappoint you—were you really trying to get a story on her?”
    “I am doing an article on Moon Bay,” he told her. “You know how it is, though. Lots of times, reporters get wind of a bigger story while they’re in the middle of something more routine.”
    “So if you’d run into Alicia Farr here, that would have been nice, right?”
    “It would have been interesting,” he said. “You do know what she looks like, right? You’d know

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