Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)

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Book: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) by Joyce Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
    They went through her clothes and found something to wear for the benefit on Friday. Ana promised to bring the shoes Kelly wanted from their apartment the next day. When they got back, Evelyn was still chewing Gabe. Dinner being served broke them apart, but Evelyn told him they were not done.
    “Apologize and be sincere about it. Later tonight I’ll make sure you forget the conversation with your sister,” Ana whispered to Gabe.
    “We could just go now?” he looked at her questioningly.
    She pinched his butt. “Now I need to fuel my body.”
    “Ouch!” Gabe inconspicuously rubbed his butt. “You will pay for that if you don’t deliver.”
    “Just make sure you fuel your body. I wouldn’t want you to wilt in bed,” Ana said to Gabe and left him with his jaw hanging open.
    Kelly was dropped at Rafe’s apartment by the guards. Both her bodyguards got out with her, checking the area before they allowed her to move forward. She was glad to make it inside and find Rafe already home.
    “Hi Sweetheart,” Rafe greeted her when she entered the penthouse. “Good day today?” He nodded at her bodyguards who went to join his bodyguard.
    “Hi Rafe.” Kelly walked into his arms and met his lips coming down to kiss her. “It was interesting with them following me everywhere.”
    Rafe winced. “Sorry. I hope this is over soon.” He threaded his fingers through her jet black hair, then held her head still for another kiss.
    “Me too,” she managed to say when Rafe let her up. “Do I have time to shower and change?”
    “Go ahead,” he said as he slapped her behind. “I’ll bring you something to drink.”
    “Ouch!” she said rubbing. When she heard the chuckles, she ran. Evidently all three men had witnessed that. Kelly was quick and within no time had showered and dressed.
    Whe n she got back to the sitting room, she found the three bodyguards gone and replaced by a different man. Rafe explained that since their security was good, they would need only one guard at night, the same with Gabe and Ana.
    The three of them walked over next door and met Nate who was just being dropped off by his driver. His bodyguard followed him and Kelly couldn’t help being amused at him. They found Manuel and Gabe discussing their sister who was throwing some kind of feat about the whole bodyguard situation.
    A few minutes later she heard Evelyn chew Gabe. “You should have warned me. You can’t just spring people on me like that. What do I do about my overnight visitors? What if I decline?”
    “That’s not an option. Everybody is getting bodyguards. So you better get used to it,” Gabe told her. “And your overnight visitor better get used to it as well. As much as I hate to ask about my sister’s love life, but I hope it’s singular rather than plural.”
    Ana arrived soon after and grabbed Kelly to look at the clothes options for the benefit. Only after they were back did Evelyn greet them.
    “Sorry guys. I’m just mad at Gabe, didn’t mean to be rude to you.”
    Ana managed to surprise Rafe and Nate , two days later when she met them at their office building. Not only were they surpised by the fact that she was agreeing to join forces, but also by the wealth she had amassed. Her patents blew them away.
    Ana managed to get them to agree for her to buy some shares into their company in exchange for some of her patents, and for some she struck a deal for cash. She outlined the reasons why she was keeping some of them under her personal name and not including them in the deal.
    They agreed and in exchange agreed that she would continue to work autonomously, choose her own staff but be avai lable to train the other team members and hopefully identify some employees with promise that she could teach a few tricks of her trade. They agreed to some minor changes and shook on the final agreement that her first team member would be the hacker kid, Tom.
    “I know you guys were not on board at the

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