Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
He continued pumping in and out of her in long, deep strokes.
    Finally, he massaged her clit with his fingers and sent her over the edge in a long, slow swell. She clamped down on his cock as he slid in and out of her and forced him along with her. He called out her name as he came for what seemed like forever inside of her. Then he wrapped his leg over both of hers and pulled her in tight against him.
    She felt his lips along her neck as he kissed and licked his way to her ear.
    “Damn, that was good. I love waking up to you, Lacy.” He kissed her neck again, and groaned as he pulled out of her and rolled out of the bed.
    Lacy sighed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She glanced over at the clock and found that it was nearly eight. She was making it a habit to sleep in. That wasn’t a good idea on a farm. She would have to start getting up early soon enough, that she better not get used to sleeping late.
    “Come on, you can share the shower with me.” Cam walked naked into the bathroom.
    She heard the shower turn on and groaned as she scooted out of bed. She was sore all over. Two men made for sore muscles, she decided.
    Cam was already in the shower when she stepped into the spray. He immediately stepped in front of her to shield her face from it. She smiled and turned around to grab for the shower gel she’d put there the day before. When he took it from her and spread some on a sponge, she realized he planned to bathe her. They’d been doing a lot of that.
    “Your skin is like silk. I want to keep it that way if we can. The weather out here is harsh. You can see how it treats our skin by how rough it is.” He rubbed his arm along hers, proving it.
    “You just need to put lotion on your skin when you’re out in the sun so much. I’ll rub you both down at night,” she offered.
    “Not with yours, you’re not.” He laughed. “I don’t want to smell like some fruity flower.”
    “We can get some unscented I’m sure. You would feel better if you weren’t so dry.”
    “I’ll just rub up against you when I feel dry.” He demonstrated by rubbing his hardening cock against her ass.
    “Funny.” She shook her head and turned around to hug him, but he was already getting out of the shower.
    “Where are you going?” she asked with a frown.
    “Going to get a cup of coffee before Phillip drinks it all.” He walked out of the bathroom, leaving her in the shower to finish her bath.
    Lacy sighed and figured she had best get used to it. Men tended to have short attention spans when it didn’t involve sex that very minute. She chuckled and finished her shower. When she had dried off, she dressed and made the bed before walking down the stairs to see if there was any coffee left for her.
    The men were discussing fertilizer when she arrived, so she grabbed the last few sips of coffee and cleaned out the coffeemaker to make another couple of cups. She needed the coffee to get going after such an eventful early morning.
    “Morning, Lacy.” Phillip got up and walked over to where she was sipping her coffee to give her a kiss.
    “Morning. What’s the plan for today?” she asked.
    “Not much of anything,” Cam supplied as Phillip nuzzled her neck.
    “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’m thinking of a snack before lunch.” Phillip licked her neck.
    “I’m going to have to get in better shape if I’m going to keep up with you guys,” Lacy said with a chuckle.
    “Are we wearing you out, baby?” Phillip asked.
    “Naw, just not used to so much, um, sexual activity.”
    “You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Cam promised her. “We’ve got over a year of celibacy to make up for.”
    Lacy’s smile faltered slightly. Was she only a hole to them? She turned in Phillip’s arms to reach the now finished coffee and refilled her cup.
    “I need to do some laundry this morning. It looks like a sunny day. Can I hang it outside somewhere? Is there a clothesline?” she asked.
    “No, never was home enough to risk

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