
Read Online Shirley by Charlotte Brontë - Free Book Online

Book: Shirley by Charlotte Brontë Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Brontë
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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pitied, and he is apt to laugh in his sleeve when any misguided sympathizer whines over his wrongs. Even when utilitarians sit in judgment on him, and pronounce him and his art useless, he hears the sentence with
    such a hard derision, such a broad, deep, comprehensive, and merciless contempt of the unhappy Pharisees who pronounce it, that he is rather to be chidden than condoled with. These, however, are
    not Mr. Yorke's reflections, and it is with Mr. Yorke we have at present to do.
    I have told you some of his faults, reader: as to his good points, he was one of the most honourable
    and capable men in Yorkshire; even those who disliked him were forced to respect him. He was much
    beloved by the poor, because he was thoroughly kind and very fatherly to them. To his workmen he
    was considerate and cordial. When he dismissed them from an occupation, he would try to set them
    on to something else, or, if that was impossible, help them to remove with their families to a district
    where work might possibly be had. It must also be remarked that if, as sometimes chanced, any individual amongst his "hands" showed signs of insubordination, Yorke—who, like many who abhor being controlled, knew how to control with vigour—had the secret of crushing rebellion in the germ,
    of eradicating it like a bad weed, so that it never spread or developed within the sphere of his authority. Such being the happy state of his own affairs, he felt himself at liberty to speak with the utmost severity of those who were differently situated, to ascribe whatever was unpleasant in their position entirely to their own fault, to sever himself from the masters, and advocate freely the cause
    of the operatives.
    Mr. Yorke's family was the first and oldest in the district; and he, though not the wealthiest, was one
    of the most influential men. His education had been good. In his youth, before the French Revolution,
    he had travelled on the Continent. He was an adept in the French and Italian languages. During a two
    years' sojourn in Italy he had collected many good paintings and tasteful rarities, with which his residence was now adorned. His manners, when he liked, were those of a finished gentleman of the
    old school; his conversation, when he was disposed to please, was singularly interesting and original;
    and if he usually expressed himself in the Yorkshire dialect, it was because he chose to do so, preferring his native Doric to a more refined vocabulary, "A Yorkshire burr," he affirmed, "was as much better than a cockney's lisp as a bull's bellow than a raton's squeak."
    Mr. Yorke knew every one, and was known by every one, for miles round; yet his intimate
    acquaintances were very few. Himself thoroughly original, he had no taste for what was ordinary: a
    racy, rough character, high or low, ever found acceptance with him; a refined, insipid personage, however exalted in station, was his aversion. He would spend an hour any time in talking freely with a
    shrewd workman of his own, or with some queer, sagacious old woman amongst his cottagers, when
    he would have grudged a moment to a commonplace fine gentleman or to the most fashionable and
    elegant, if frivolous, lady. His preferences on these points he carried to an extreme, forgetting that there may be amiable and even admirable characters amongst those who cannot be original. Yet he made exceptions to his own rule. There was a certain order of mind, plain, ingenuous, neglecting refinement, almost devoid of intellectuality, and quite incapable of appreciating what was intellectual
    in him, but which, at the same time, never felt disgust at his rudeness, was not easily wounded by his
    sarcasm, did not closely analyze his sayings, doings, or opinions, with which he was peculiarly at ease, and, consequently, which he peculiarly preferred. He was lord amongst such characters. They,
    while submitting implicitly to his influence, never acknowledged, because they never reflected on, his

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