The Brutal Language of Love

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Book: The Brutal Language of Love by Alicia Erian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Erian
    â€œProbably not,” Shirley Mayer said.
    â€œI’m a nontraditional student,” Brigitte blurted out.
    â€œYes,” Shirley Mayer said, smiling. “That’s admirable.”
    On the drive home, Brigitte thought about how she didn’t want Shirley Mayer to get fired, but how if it did happen, it would be Shirley Mayer’s own fault. She was pretty and charismatic and had seduced them all with her practical knowledge, thought-provoking exercises, and unfriendly demeanor.
    On the first day of class, for example, she had offered a third of them chocolates from a huge See’s Candies assortment. She offered a second third of them chocolates as well, but this time from a somewhat less varied assortment containing only dark fruit creams. The students in the last third were offered a choice between marshmallow creams and toffees. Afterward, when Shirley Mayer asked them what they thought the exercise meant, they responded—mouths full—that they didn’t know. “You,” she said then, pointing to Ely Gimble, who had been in the first third. “You took forever to decide.”
    Ely nodded. “Are there any fruit creams left?” he asked, and Shirley Mayer absently handed him the box.
    â€œAnd you,” she said, pointing to Brigitte, who had been in the last third. “What was your experience?”
    â€œI chose faster,” Brigitte said immediately, desperate even then to make an impression.
    â€œThat’s right,” Shirley Mayer said, nodding. “And so my point is?” she asked, looking first to Brigitte, then to the rest of the class. Nobody said anything. “What about you?” she asked Paige Cox, who had been in the middle group. “State your name and describe your experience, please.”
    â€œPaige. I don’t like chocolate.”
    â€œBut you picked one,” Shirley Mayer said.
    â€œI’m going to give it to someone else,” Paige said. Then she added, “To my girlfriend.”
    Two boys in the back of the room giggled.
    â€œWhat’s funny, guys?” Shirley Mayer asked them.
    They sat up straight in their chairs and turned instantly, mockingly solemn. “Um,” Davis Bonaire said, “that she’s a lesbian?”
    Everyone looked at Shirley Mayer, who they already knew to be gay. She paused briefly before saying, “Take out a sheet of paper, please.”
    â€œWho, me?” Davis asked.
    â€œYes, you,” Shirley said. “And your friend. What’s your name?”
    â€œJojo,” Jojo Mankowski said.
    â€œAnd you, Jojo. Take out a sheet of paper.”
    The two boys shuffled their notebooks and came up with some paper. When they were ready, Shirley Mayer said, “Now, please write a hateful letter to Paige.”
    â€œExcuse me?” Davis said.
    â€œThis isn’t high school, you know,” Jojo said. “We’re paying for this class. If we want to be taught a lesson, we’ll call our mothers.”
    â€œLesson?” Shirley Mayer said. “What lesson? I would like you both to write a hateful letter to Paige, please, so I can get on with this lecture.”
    Paige turned around then and looked at the two of them. “Yeah,” she said. “Write me a hateful letter.”
    Davis and Jojo looked at each other. “I ain’t doing that,” Davis said, laying his pen on the desk.
    â€œMe neither,” Jojo said, copying Davis.
    Shirley Mayer shrugged. “Suit yourselves,” she said. “Just trying to be accommodating.”
    Paige turned back around then and smiled at Shirley Mayer, who ignored her. “Now,” Shirley Mayer said, “getting back to the chocolate. What was the purpose?”
    Jojo Mankowski raised his hand. “Yes?” Shirley Mayer said, pointing to him.
    â€œIt’s easier to choose when you’ve got less to choose from,” he said.
    â€œGood man!” Shirley Mayer

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