
Read Online M.I.N.D. by Elissa Harris - Free Book Online

Book: M.I.N.D. by Elissa Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elissa Harris
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picture my mother’s face, I think about how annoying she is. I can’t wish I were her if I think she’s annoying, so I try to focus on how we’re the same, like the way she presses out toothpaste from the top of the tube instead of the bottom, and how she likes mayonnaise on her fries instead of ketchup (even though she only eats egg-free mayonnaise and her fries are baked). And then I start wishing. If I could be her, just for a while, maybe it’ll help me figure out who I am.
    â€œMaybe you’re forgetting something,” Leanne says when I open my eyes. “What about the other times? What happened just before you smelled lilac?”
    â€œWait. There is something. Before I jumped into Vardina’s body, she was staring at me like she wanted to say something. It was the same with Stephanie. She was looking at me funny, like she was gloating.”
    â€œWhat about you?”
    â€œWhy would I be gloating?”
    â€œWhat were you thinking just before you went to the bathroom?”
    â€œUm, that I have to pee?”
    â€œBesides that,” I say, losing patience.
    â€œI was thinking about how you let your mother control you.”
    â€œWell, you asked.”
    â€œThe point is, you were thinking about me . I wanted to be you at the same time you were thinking about me, and presto, I was in.”
    She looks doubtful. “The have-to-be-in-the-same-room theory makes more sense.”
    â€œLeeny, nothing about this makes sense. I’m not doing it with my mother in the room, so you can just forget it. She’d see me pass out and call 9-1-1. It’s my way or no way. Go down to the kitchen and talk to her. I’ll count to fifty before I do my thing. Get me on her mind. That’s the ticket in.”
    It’s a ticket, all right. A ticket to Wonderland. Just call me Alice.
    â€œâ€¦teenagers driving. That car they hit went right through the guardrail, then rolled all the way down into the canyon. That poor little girl. It’s a miracle anyone survived at all. No, I just can’t agree to it.”
    It worked! I’m in! Except my mother isn’t in the kitchen where I’d thought she’d be; she’s in the laundry room folding my favorite T-shirt, the one with the yellow fringe. Why is she frowning? Must be because of her hands. When did they get so wrinkled? And why is she staring at my shirt like she’s never seen fringes?
    â€œI’ve been driving for six months, and I’ve never even had a parking ticket,” Leanne says from her perch on the stool near the dryer. “My instructor said I was the best driver’s ed student in the whole class.”
    â€œMaybe you’re the exception,” my mother says. “Cassie is much too flighty. I can’t trust her behind the wheel. And besides, there’s her condition.”
    â€œIt’s been two years since her last…you know. It’s legal if she stays on her medication, right?”
    â€œAnd she’s changed. She’s not the person she used to be.”
    Ha. Now there’s an understatement.
    â€œIn what way?” my mother asks.
    â€œShe’s very conscientious.”
    Not at the moment, actually.
    My mother’s forehead crinkles. “I guess I can think about it.”
    Wait. My mother might let me drive? Way to go, Leanne!
    â€œYou’re so easy to talk to,” Leanne says. “Cassie is lucky. I wish I could talk to my mother like this. She’s so temperamental. It’s like she’s bipolar or something. Can you get bipolar when you’re old?”
    â€œHow old is she?” my mother asks.
    â€œAlmost fifty. Not that fifty is old,” Leanne quickly adds. “I didn’t mean to imply anything. You look great for your age, Mrs. Stewart.”
    She’s forty-five, Leanne. Can we get back to my license?

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