Masquerade (Scandalous Ballroom Encounters Book 1)

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Book: Masquerade (Scandalous Ballroom Encounters Book 1) by Victoria Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Vale
coaxed even more from her with a few well-timed strokes of his thumb.
    “Yes, like that. Oh, more!”
    He obeyed, joining one finger with a second and quickening his strokes. His thumb circled in a more rapid motion, drawing a chorus of moans from her mouth.
    “Now, Camden,” she panted, her hips moving in time with his fingers. “I cannot wait any longer.”
    “I want to make this easy for you, love,” he murmured, still working her insides with two questing fingers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
    “I don’t care,” she insisted. “The pain will only be for a moment, and I have wanted this for so long.”
    He nodded, already tearing at the fastening of his breeches. He could not deny her now, not after the promise of what he’d given her in the Gardens, and again in the carriage. The tightness of the channel around his fingers had just reminded him of how innocent she was, and how wrong he’d be to despoil her. She would be ruined, but he could not find the courage to care just then. A stronger man might have walked away, even now with her lying naked and willing in his bed. He hadn’t been this desperate to have a woman since he’d been a green boy of fifteen.
    Reaching for the condom, it tore it open and sheathed himself with care, ensuring it was on properly. Satisfied, he braced himself over her and probed her tight entrance. Eyes boring into him with intent, she raised her hips and welcomed him, sheathing his head within the rim of her channel.
    He gasped, his eyes sliding shut as the first inch of her enveloped him. She whimpered when he slid in further and stretched her a bit more. He gritted his teeth, trembling with the effort it took not to slam in to the hilt and take his pleasure. She panted, her arms coming around him and holding him tight as he continued forging a path through her. She moaned again, this time in pain when his head encountered the barrier of her virginity.
    Camden bent his head to capture her lips, muffling her sharp cry as he plunged, tearing through her maidenhead. He stilled within her, continuing his tender assault upon her lips while he allowed her to grow accustomed to the feel of him inside of her. His chest expanded, burning with the need to pump in and out, filling her over and over again. She still trembled from the pain, a lone tear welling in the corner of one eye.
    “I’m sorry, my sweet,” he whispered, brushing a kiss between her eyebrows.
    “It’s all right,” she insisted between shallow, ragged breaths. “I knew there would be pain.”
    “If I have any say, it won’t be for much longer,” he mumbled, raising himself a bit and reaching down between them. His thumb encountered her clitoris and stroked it in a slow circle, drawing a surprised gasp from her lips. His mouth curved into a smirk, and he repeated the motion, applying a bit more pressure while moving inside of her with a slow, calculated stroke.
    Her lips parted on a low moan, a tremor rocking her. He continued his ministrations, teasing her pearl while his hips undulated against hers. He bent his head to take one of her nipples, drawing on it with deep pulls and swirling his tongue around it. Her clenched thighs relaxed, falling open and allowing him in deeper. Her channel gripped him so tight, he wondered if he’d ever find his way out again. His chest rumbled with a low, primal groan.
    Maggie’s sharp cries melted into sighs of pleasure when his pace quickened, his hands gripping her hips and tilting them at the perfect angle.
    “Christ, Maggie,” he murmured, pumping in and out of her. “You feel so bloody good.”
    She responded with a moan, and he increased his rhythm even more, his blood roaring in his ears in concert with the sound of their bodies coming together. She clung to him, her rapid breath tickling his ear and the side of his neck, further exacerbating the urgency he felt as he hurtled closer and closer to climax.
    “Is it good for you, too, sweetheart? Do you like the

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