Beginnings (The Trifectus Series - Book One)

Read Online Beginnings (The Trifectus Series - Book One) by Logan Byrne - Free Book Online

Book: Beginnings (The Trifectus Series - Book One) by Logan Byrne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Logan Byrne
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    “Oh, okay,” I said with hesitation.
    I started slowly getting up and making my way to the front of the room.  He handed me the marker and I walked up to the board.  Just as I was about to touch the marker to the board the bell rang.  That normally annoying bell now sounded like angels singing in my ear.
    “All right, class,” he said.  “We will pick back up Monday.  Don’t forget to do your homework this weekend!”
    I ran back to my desk and grabbed my things.  I had been saved.  I didn’t have to worry about this problem and I was one hour closer to tomorrow night. 
    School went by rather fast on this particular day.  I am not sure if it was because I was so excited about tomorrow, or the fact that I wasn’t really paying attention to anything my teachers said. 
    When the final bell rang, I was ready.  I pushed and shoved my way through the hallway and made it to my locker.  I gathered my things and started to make my way through the school.  I decided to take a different route through the school to save time.  With all of the students making a weekend dash for their lockers and buses, it was too hectic and I knew another way that would save me some time.  As I started walking the empty hallway, I heard two voices talking.  I stopped and started to listen.
    “Cara, what are we going to do?”
    “I don’t know, Derek.  With that wolf sighting we have to be careful.”
    “But tomorrow is a full moon.  We aren’t going to be able to control ourselves.”
    “Baby, yes we can.  We will keep each other in check.  We have to control it.  If we get caught again it won’t be good.”
    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  Were Derek and Cara werewolves?  Were they involved with the ones that were found today?  Were they planning something big?  I quietly and carefully made my way out of the hallway.  I couldn’t afford them knowing I had heard them. 
    I made my way outside and to my waiting car.  I had to tell James tomorrow.  I had to stop them from hurting anybody else.  I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if somebody got hurt because I was too scared to say what they were planning.  They had already been caught once for doing something bad, and I wouldn’t let it happen again. 
    When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised.  Nobody was home.  I ran upstairs and started raiding my closet.  I had to pick out the perfect outfit to wear tomorrow night.  I wanted to blow James’s socks right off his feet.  I was going to go all out on this.  I had one chance to make a great impression on his family, and I wasn’t about to blow it on ugly clothes and bad hair. 
    As I started daydreaming and dancing around, I remembered something.  James never told me where he lived.  In fact, nobody knew where he and his sister lived.  He didn’t have a phone, and I had no way of contacting him.  I started to think the worst.  Maybe it was all a trick.  Maybe he didn’t really like me and was just trying to trick the new girl.  Maybe Brittany made him do this to put me in my place.
    No, I thought.  There is no way he would do this to me.  Why would he save me from the thugs and let me fall asleep in his arms if it was all a trick?  He loves me, and I know he wouldn’t ever do that to me. 
    Just as I had convinced myself it was real, I heard a door close.  I went downstairs to see who it was, and I saw my mother walking in.
    “Oh hello, sweetie.”
    “Hey mom, how was your day?”
    “Oh, it was wonderful sweetie, and how about yours?”
              “It was good.  I was just picking out an outfit for tomorrow night.”
    “Oh,” she said.  “And why would you need to do that if you are just going over to a girlfriend’s house for dinner?”
    “Oh, you know me, I just want to look nice.”
    “Are you sure there won’t be a boy there?” she said, smiling.
    “Well, she has a couple brothers that will probably be there.”

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