Retribution (Redemption Series)

Read Online Retribution (Redemption Series) by R.K. Ryals - Free Book Online

Book: Retribution (Redemption Series) by R.K. Ryals Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.K. Ryals
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so NOT typical.
    Bezaliel's eyes opened.
    "You will drink blood from Luther.
The ring will accept you then, but it must be quick. It will not be long before
the ring realizes its error, and Luther's blood will be purged. Your time in
the Seal will then be numbered. I can make it hold you only so long once it
realizes you are not a Demon."
    I nodded. Simple enough, right?
    "And I get Marcas out how?"
    Bezaliel shook his head.
    "I am honestly not sure. This has
never been tried before. There is no way to know what you will be faced with
inside the Seal. This will be up to you. I cannot tell you how to release
    There went simple. I glanced at the
    "I won't let Sophia keep the
Seal," I said stubbornly.
    I looked briefly at Monroe and knew
instantly she wasn't powerful enough yet. As for Bezaliel ,
I still didn't trust my own father enough. I trusted him to protect whoever had
the Seal as long as I was inside, but I didn't trust him to keep it. I didn't
want to place myself in his hands. Literally.
    My decision made, I slipped the Seal off
hurriedly before I had time to change my mind. I spun, placing the ring quickly
on Conor's large hand. The shock on his face was
apparent. I wrapped the hand with the Seal tightly within my own, my eyes on
    "Don't let them have it," I
    His other hand came up to cover mine.
    "God, Red. You're really going to
do this."
    I just stared at him, and he sighed
before bowing his head.
    "You know I'll protect it with my
    I smiled.
    "Of that I have no doubt."
    I released him and turned to Luther.
    "I'm not biting you so you better
unleash one of those wicked claws of yours and open up a wound," I
    The Demon grinned.
    "Well, this is new. An Angel that wants to drink my blood for once."
    He laughed, his
joking manner strangely relieving. I could see Monroe's face over his shoulder,
and I nodded at her. She nodded back sadly, her eyes moving to Luther. There
was something conflicted in her gaze.
    Luther's hand transformed, claws growing
from the tips of his fingers. I moved toward him, and he looked at me, his eyes
on mine. I avoided Bezaliel , Sophia, and Lucas.
    "Why are you doing this?" I
whispered to Luther.
    His bright eyes hardened.
    "He's my brother, and we both deserve
retribution. You just get him out alive." Luther lifted his arm, running a
nail across his wrist quickly. "I don't have as much control as my
brother. Understand? Make this fast."
    I understood his warning. I would be
vulnerable, and Luther craved blood. I took a deep breath and grabbed his
wrist, bringing it to my mouth and swallowing the thick, beaded blood quickly
before I had time to question myself. The pain was immediate, and I stumbled backward straight into Conor's arms as I gagged.
    I grabbed my stomach, the fire in my
belly so intense I had to fight the convulsions I knew were coming. Demon blood
was painful as hell!
    "Do it," I commanded Conor .
    He nodded and held up the Seal. It was
glowing, all four jewels blindingly bright as Conor ordered it to trap me. There was fresh Demon blood in my system and on my lips.
The ring complied.
    One moment, I was standing in the living
room of my youth; the next there was only painful darkness. I was getting used
to darkness.

    Chapter 7

    What the Seal holds within has always been a
mystery. It is a prison. It is dangerous. It is a world of its own that preys
on evil.

    ~ Bezaliel ~

    Whatever I landed on was hard, and I
rubbed at my backside as I fought the rolling waves of nausea and pain that
still moved through me. I couldn't afford to pass out from the pain. Marcas was near, and I needed to get him out of the Seal.
    The darkness that had cloaked me before
began to recede, and in its place was a strange circular room made of mirrors. The floor, the ceiling, the walls . . . all mirrors. There
were reflections of me everywhere.
    I looked down at the mirrored floor and
saw my hideous image, my too skinny frame and halo of wild,

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