Married In Montana (At The Altar Book 1)

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Book: Married In Montana (At The Altar Book 1) by Kirsten Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten Osbourne
classes are small.  I taught all the honors classes and one creative writing class.  There's only one honors class per grade level, because it's such a small school."
    He was listening, his thumb stroking her lips.  "How many students do you consider a small class?"
    She shrugged, completely distracted by his touch. How was she supposed to think when he was touching her so intimately? "Not more than seventeen."
    "So you do a lot of sentence diagramming and read Shakespeare aloud?"
    She laughed softly.  "I hate diagramming sentences, so I don't make my students do it unless there's a need."
    "How do you know if there's a need?"  He was surprised to hear an English teacher say she hated diagramming sentences.  He was certain his English teachers had diagrammed sentences using their toy blocks instead of building things out of them when they were toddlers.
    "I read what they write in papers.  If their grammar is off, we'll do a quick unit to help them.  If that's not enough we diagram, but that's never happened.  Usually my students can hear if something sounds wrong with a sentence and a two week grammar unit is all they need."  She stroked his calf with her foot.  "I find that I get the brightest students, so it's easier to teach them than it would be otherwise."
    Scott moved his feet between hers, trying to slowly bring more and more of their bodies into close contact.  It was strange having to woo his wife this way, but she was worth it to him.  Lachele had found a woman that he'd have chosen for himself if he'd had the time or inclination.  He had no complaints.  "So you just read a lot of Shakespeare?"
    "Not at all.  We don't read Shakespeare at all in my junior classes, because they're American Literature.  I do a bit of Shakespeare in the other grades, though.  Usually only two plays per year, because Shakespeare gets more than a little tedious for most high school students."  Her hand moved around to his back, and she stroked it, finding a tiny mole beneath his shoulder blade.  She wondered if he knew it was there but didn't ask, not wanting to make him self-conscious about it. 
    "Do you like Shakespeare," he asked, because he'd always wondered if English teachers liked the books they shoved down kids' throats. 
    She shrugged.  "Some of it.  I liked Taming of the Shrew a lot, but we never taught that.  I like A Comedy of Errors ...another book we never get to teach."  She leaned forward and kissed his shoulder.  "I'm not a fan of Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet ."
    "Why didn't you teach the ones you liked?"  His hands roamed in circles over her back, the circles gradually getting bigger so he was encompassing more of her with them. 
    "I didn't have that option.  I was given a list of books to teach, so I taught them."
    "Do you think your class would have been better if you could have chosen the books?"
    "Oh, no doubt.  My students would have liked it a great deal more as well."  She scooted closer to him and buried her face in his neck, inhaling his scent. 
    He moved his hands down to her bottom, pulling her hips against his.  He wanted her to be ready for him but didn't want to ask.  He didn't want her to think he was rushing her.
    Savannah was surprised to feel him pressing against her.  She gently bit his neck in response, wondering what he would do.
    Scott let out a low laugh.  "You didn't get enough food at dinner?" he asked as he rolled her to her back, looming over her.
    She grinned, her hand going back to his shoulder.  She trailed it down his arm, liking the feel of his taut muscles.  "You're strong."
    He nodded.  "I do hard, physical work every day.  I couldn't run a ranch of this size if I wasn't."  He moved his leg over the top of hers, keeping them in close physical contact in as many places as possible. 
    "I like how you feel," she told him truthfully.  She'd expected to be more nervous when they were finally in bed together, but it didn't feel wrong.
    "I'm glad." 

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