Married In Montana (At The Altar Book 1)

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Book: Married In Montana (At The Altar Book 1) by Kirsten Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten Osbourne
His hand swept up her side, and he cupped her breast in his hand.  "I like how you feel too."
    His thumb toyed with her nipple while he lowered his head to kiss her again, catching her cries with his lips. 
    Savannah was surprised by the feelings rushing through her.  She felt as if his hand on her breast was causing little bursts of energy to shoot through her body, right to her core.  She spread her legs a little, not surprised when his knee moved into the opening.
    His hand left her breast, traveling down her body to catch the hem of her nightgown, lifting it up above her knee.  He stroked up her thigh and moved his hand to her center, stroking her softly while checking her readiness for him.
    She pressed against his hand, wanting more than just his fingers there.  Her hands roamed down his back to his bottom, stroking her nails over it.  "I like this!" she said with surprise.
    He chuckled.  "That's because we have a good God."  He plucked at her nightgown wanting it off, but too afraid the moment would be lost.  He gently nipped her collar bone, his teeth scraping her bare skin.  "I need you, Savannah."
    Her eyes were wide as she looked deeply into his, and finally she nodded.  "Make love to me."
    Scott needed no further invitation.  He settled himself between her thighs, and guided himself to her.  "I promise, if it hurts, I'll make it up to you later."
    She nodded, catching his head and pulling it down for a kiss.  Somehow, him looking at her while he made love to her seemed even more intimate to her than him joining their bodies together.
    The pain was brief, and not as intense as she had expected.  She didn't find a great deal of pleasure in the act that night, but she certainly didn't find it painful either.
    Scott gathered her against him.  "It'll be better next time.  I promise."
    Savannah kissed his cheek.  "It wasn't bad this time.  Just strange."  She couldn't let him think she hated what they'd done together, because nothing could be further from the truth.
    He raised an eyebrow looking at her face.  "Strange how?"  Was she saying he'd done something wrong?
    "Well, it's different than anything I've ever done, and that makes it strange in my book."
    He chuckled, stroking her back.  "Hopefully next time it will go from 'strange' to 'awesome, let me worship you for making me feel that way.'"
    It was her turn to chuckle at that.  "Good luck with that."  She wasn't certain if it was her job to feed his ego or keep it reined it.  She didn't want to deal with a big-headed man, though, so she decided not to feed it.
    "Are you doubting my ability to show you how awesome making love can be?"
    "I'm doubting any man's ability to make me worship him.  Sorry." 
    "By this time next week, you'll be my sex slave."  He waggled his brows at her.
    She shook her head with a laugh.  "You do like to dream big."
    He sighed.  "Someday you'll have faith in me."
    She felt her eyes drifting closed.  "Someday you'll earn my faith.  Not sure sex is the way to do it, though."
    He kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, for now content to have her sleep in his arms.

Chapter Five
    After breakfast the following morning, Savannah asked, "Do you mind if I practice driving around the ranch while you're out?  I'd like to get as skilled as I can as quickly as possible.  I would hate to have to ask you to drive me to job interviews."  It would be as bad as her mother taking the subway with her to her first job as a bistro in a coffee shop.  Oh wait, that had already happened.
    Scott frowned.  "I don't mind if you practice, but I'll probably take you to at least the first few job interviews, regardless.  I don't want to worry about you getting lost."
    She looked at him with a frown.  "Your truck has GPS."
    He shrugged.  "I would just feel safer if I took you."
    She didn't say anything, but she noted that his keys were left on the counter when he left for the day.  She wasn't certain why he was

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