Gray Quinn's Baby

Read Online Gray Quinn's Baby by Susan Stephens - Free Book Online

Book: Gray Quinn's Baby by Susan Stephens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Stephens
    â€˜How kind,’ she murmured. ‘Strong and hot?’ she said, pushing the kitchen door open.
    Quinn’s laugh was low and sexy. ‘If you say so.’
    Were they flirting? ‘I’m talking about coffee.’
    â€˜And so am I,’ he assured her. ‘Put a dash of this in it.’ He produced a bottle of very good whisky. ‘You looked worn out earlier, so I thought I should bring you something to get your blood flowing again. Something told me you might baulk if I offered you fortified wine.’
    â€˜Whisky is my drink of choice, as it happens. You know me well.’
    â€˜I don’t know you at all, Miss Steele, but that is something I intend to put right.’
    It was a tiny moment of connection between them, and she wanted to protect and nurture it like a candle flame.
    Quinn was way ahead of her.
    â€˜Apologies in advance for contravening one of your feminist by-laws.’
    She gasped as his lips brushed hers. In the same instant, he pressed her back against the kitchen counter and, with one powerful thigh nudging her legs apart, he drew her close. ‘Forget the coffee,’ he murmured, teasing and nuzzling her neck and mouth in a way that delivered a powerful charge to every sex-starved part of her. ‘You need this more.’
    Oh yes, she did, Magenta realised as she wound her arms around Quinn’s neck. What her sensible side would have to say about it when she woke up in the morning was another matter. But she was dreaming and, according to the law of dreams, anything was possible, even forgetting her inhibitions where sex was concerned. She would just have to put up with Quinn kissing her like a god.
    Quinn’s hair was thick and lush, his body was hard and strong, and she was instantly aroused. Quinn’s heat was icedwith night air and the taste of mint was on her tongue. He had splashed on some cologne—musky, spicy, warm and clean—and his stubble was an unaccustomed rasp against her face. He was an expert in the art of seduction who knew just how to tease, stroke and nip, until she was pressing herself against him, writhing, sucking, biting, practically demanding the invasion of his tongue as she showed him in no uncertain terms that she had fully embraced the concept of free love—at least in her dreams.
    But somewhere deep inside her a warning bell was ringing, and that bell was determined to spoil everything. It said that she might be on a fast track to pleasure, losing all sense of right and wrong, but Quinn was still firmly in control. She was strong in everything else she did, except this. Free love was one thing but it had to be on her terms. She’d put a price tag on it, Magenta decided, and that price tag might just buy a chance for the team she planned to build.
    Using every bit of mental strength she possessed, she pulled back. ‘I’ll make that coffee for you.’ Turning away, she continued to prepare their drinks with hands that shook slightly. ‘Do you think you could spare the time to look at the ideas I’m putting together?’
    â€˜Would I like to see what you’ve been doing when I’m paying you to work for me? I think I should, don’t you?’ Propping his hip against the counter, Quinn waited until she had finished and then he led the way back into the office, where he swung her ideas book around. ‘This is good. What gave you the inspiration?’
    â€˜Research.’ She could hardly say, the benefit of living fifty years from now. ‘I’m keen to push the campaign to the next level.’ She had never cheated in her life before, never needed to.
    â€˜Your idea certainly moves things somewhere,’ Quinn agreed dryly. ‘Do I take it you weren’t impressed with the team you saw in action earlier today?’
    â€˜You could say that,’ Magenta admitted as Quinn stared at her keenly.
    â€˜Maybe they just need time to settle

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