Love Unexpected (Navy Love Series Book 2)

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Book: Love Unexpected (Navy Love Series Book 2) by JC Santo Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Santo
out on these past few weeks, I lean down and give Tess a kiss to her cheek while rubbing her stomach. She gives me a slight smile back. No words are needed right now. I know we will discuss everything else in due time, but today in this atmosphere isn’t the right place. Today is about the babies. She and I both want everything to go smoothly.
    Just as I go to pull away and find Marsh, Tess grasps my hand, catching my attention.
    “Hey, olive you. I’m just trying to look out for ya, bug,” she says quietly.
    I nod and whisper back, “I know, olive you too, T.”
    Although she’s already apologized, I still want her to explain why she’s so against Reed and I, but I do understand why she’s concerned.
    I take a deep breath and go in search of Marshall.
    As soon as I step outside, I am met with a cluster of masculine voices. Looks as though all of the guys are spending the shower out here while the women sit inside and gush over Tess and Sawyer.
    Again, I see some faces that are familiar and others I’ve never seen before. I say quick hellos as I search for Marshall. Suddenly, an arm comes around my waist and pulls me back to a rock hard chest.
    Looking up and behind me, I can’t help the laughter that falls from my mouth just as J.C. announces his love for me.
    “Will you knock it off? That’s my kid sister now, dude,” Hunter teases. J.C. eggs Hunter on by smothering my face and neck with loud obnoxious kisses.
    I’m out of breath from laughing and trying to fight off J.C. while my worthless brother-in-law and friends stand by laughing. No one offers to help. That is, until a loud throat clearing causes J.C. to quickly put a stop to his silly mood, almost as if this throat clearing sobered up the entire group.
    I’m the last one to get my bearings about me. When I look around to see what cause the drastic shift in mood, I lock eyes with Reed.
    The dampened mood suddenly makes sense.
    Judging by the silence and stiff posture of everyone, I’m assuming they all know something about the Reed and Tegan situation. What they know, I’m unsure of, but I don’t intend to stick around and find out.
    My southern roots win out in the inner battle on whether or not to greet him. My momma would scold me for not using my manners.
    “Hey, Reed. How are you?”
    Something flashes in his eyes, and I’m met with a grunt in response.
    I feel my eyes starting to burn. The last thing I want to do is cry in front of him. I go to turn and remove myself from the embarrassing situation. However, I’m stopped by none other than J.C.’s hand around my shoulders.
    In a flurry of movement, multiple things happen; J.C. comforts me while Reed stares daggers at the two of us, he’s then met with a slap to the back of the head just as Marshall comes to stand next to him.
    With his eyes on me, he addresses Reed.
    “Quit being a fucking dick, dude. Everyone here is sick of it.” All of the guys nod their heads in agreement. “Look, you two are going to see each other, all of us know something happened between you guys, so everyone needs to get the hell over it so we can move on like the big, fucked up, dysfunctional family we are.”
    J.C.’s hand moves to my lower back, and he lightly pushes me toward Marsh. Luckily, everyone else seems to have picked up with their own conversations. It’s just Marsh, Reed, J.C., and Hunter who seem to be interested in this conversation.
    No need for more people to see me humiliated today.
    Marsh looks from me to Reed, speaking to us both.
    “You two have got to work something out; there’s no way we can keep dealing with this shit.”
    I shake my head in denial while Reed starts to argue.
    J.C. pipes in, “Dude, don’t even start to deny it. You’re an even bigger asshole than you typically are.”
    The smile that sneaks onto my face is unavoidable. It does bring me the slightest bit of pleasure knowing he’s somehow miserable with everything too. Although, I’m not sure why—he didn’t

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