Love in the Cards (Whole Lotta Love #1)

Read Online Love in the Cards (Whole Lotta Love #1) by S. L. Carpenter, Sahara Kelly - Free Book Online

Book: Love in the Cards (Whole Lotta Love #1) by S. L. Carpenter, Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L. Carpenter, Sahara Kelly
than he wanted to admit.
    Deuce pulled back, his hands firmly cupping the cheeks of her ass. His breathing was shallow now, almost panting. He gazed at the open folds of flesh, still dripping from the games he’d played with her body.
    He began to understand the meaning of craving. Like a vampire seeking the existence only found in the warm blood of a pulsing vein, he craved the taste of Maggie. She was nourishment. She empowered him.
    It also gave him a hard-on so intense he was afraid it would detonate on contact.
    He had a weakness for going down on women, but this was definitely different. Most of his relationships were simple one-night stands, followed by flowers sent to the room and a schedule of annual checkups to make absolutely sure he hadn’t accidentally picked up anything that might need a prescription. He wasn’t a guy who went out deliberately looking for pussy. But if pussy came his way—as it tended to pretty regularly—he wasn’t about to turn it down. Was it casual sex? Probably. But it had worked for him up to now.
    Not this time. It wasn’t love, he told himself — it was more like he had found something rare and valuable. They just seemed to click together. His finger slid between the shining folds, making Maggie moan. The slippery flesh wrapped around his finger with each gliding stroke—in and out.
    He watched her mouth fall open as he teased with gentle caresses, spreading her hot honey over sensitive skin, taking Maggie higher with each move.
    “Deuce…ahhh…dear God, Deuce …”
    He bent his head and burrowed his face into her pussy.
    Maggie could’ve sworn steam was coming from between her legs as his saliva mixed with her juices while his tongue seared her already hot flesh. The way Deuce slurped with enthusiasm sent shivers rolling up her spine. She let herself go and arched into his mouth, thrusting herself against him greedily, urging him on, in— deeper and deeper.
    All the tension from the daylong poker games had gotten to her and this was exactly what she needed. To be freed from her self-imposed stress levels by a man with an extraordinarily talented tongue. But not any man—this man.
    Sure, she was in the finals of the tournament—against Deuce in fact—but she didn’t want to win at this . She simply wanted to enjoy the fuck out of a sexual adventure. And the man sharing it with her. It might be blasphemy to even think it, but the thought was there anyway. To hell with poker.
    Maggie lifted her head a little and looked down between her breasts to see Deuce smile and lower his face back between her legs.
    Shocks of pleasure streamed up her torso as he found the perfect blend, licking her throbbing clit and combining it with the upward pull of his finger along the inner wall of her pussy. He tuned her like an instrument.
    With a long stroke of his tongue he made her sing.
    And the song shook her, whirled her out of her mind, and focused every nerve ending she had on the spot he’d found. She cried out as she came, pulsing around his face and his hand, shattering inside.
    Before the inner convulsions of her orgasm subsided, he climbed up her body. He kissed and licked at the protruding nipples, not wanting to neglect them. They’d been ignored for too long, but his attention had been devoted to her pussy and a man could only do so much.
    His throaty growl made her giggle and he felt like an unleashed animal that had eaten its prey and now demanded to possess it completely. To dominate it.
    The stiffness of his cock was obvious as it reached between their bodies. Maggie wrapped her legs around his hips and drew him into her heat. The extreme wetness of her pussy helped the hard and rigid flesh glide deep inside.
    She sighed, letting her body adjust to him as he filled her.
    Nestling tight into her, Deuce sighed too. “I’ve been thinking of you all day. Seeing you only reminded me of last night. The heat, the sex, the way you look naked, the sex, your lips, the

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