If You Dare
Lily shut her phone with a snap and dropped it somewhere on the bed.
    His lips hit hers hard and softened a moment later, even as his arms tightened around her body. He tugged, and she went willingly…then sort of fell into him. The air mattress was about as stable as one of those inflatable ball-filled rooms.
    Lips still fused with hers, he laughed through his nose as he fell back, pulling Lily on top of him. Lying against that hard wall of muscle, she didn’t think there could be anything better than being held by his strong arms. Until he slipped his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers.
    Oh, yes. Much better.
    She kissed him back, sucking his tongue while her fingers found the back of his scalp and clutched at his short hair. The feel of him, the smell of him, the taste of him was all so utterly masculine, she felt feminine and delicate by comparison. That was new. She liked it.
    He pulled away, his breathing ragged. Lily shifted against him, felt the hard length of him press into her thigh. Talk about masculine . She rubbed against him again. Shamelessly. This was crazy, right? They barely tolerated each other at work, were in the least romantic location on the planet. Plus—
    Did Marcus Black just apologize?
    Chest heaving, she stayed where she was, her arms locked around his neck, breasts smashing into his chest, mouth close enough that his truncated breaths tickled her lips.
    “Are you?” she challenged.
    He tightened his arms around her and ground his pelvis against her leg. His voice was impossibly deep when he said, “No.”
    When his lips landed on hers again, she wanted to cry with relief. Shrouded in the darkness, hidden from the outside world, this felt safe. Like in this sequestered place, she was free to do whatever she wanted. Whomever I want. And right now, being on the receiving end of Marcus’s dwindling control was exactly where she wanted to be.
    Senses heightened in the dark, she explored his body. The soft, worn cotton of his T-shirt, the puckered fabric at the hem. His hot tongue still in her mouth, she slipped her hand beneath his shirt, fingers straying over an army of rock-hard abs dusted in hair. She trailed her fingers up his chest, savoring the width of him, the coarse texture of him, the heat rolling off his skin in waves.
    When he slanted his mouth over hers, his stubble scratched her face. He nipped at her bottom lip, her jaw, her neck, until he found the hollow at the bottom of her throat and explored it with his tongue.
    Every brush of his lips felt more erotic in the blackness. She was a prisoner to each new and unexpected sensation crashing over her body like the tide. The heat of his mouth, the cold, prickling sensation when he left her skin exposed to the air, the surprise of his hand snaking under her hoodie and shirt.
    Lily gasped when his fingers closed around one breast over her bra. His other hand grasped a handful of her butt and he hauled her closer, still kissing and suckling the side of her neck with his talented mouth.
    His jaw raked against her neck, and he dragged his lips to her ear. When he spoke, the feel of his hot mouth against her tender ear caused her to shudder. “You have the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen.” He squeezed again. “And it feels even better than it looks.”
    The wet heat of his tongue in her ear obliterated her senses and froze the response in her throat. His hands continued their intentional exploring, the hand beneath her shirt leaving to join the palm beneath the material of her jogging pants. He molded his big hands over the silk of her panties. And squeezed again.
    She started to let out a soft moan but his lips found hers, and he swallowed the sound. He smiled against her lips. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you, Lil?”
    He…wanted her? Her heart raced for a new reason. She’d thought, since she’d shot down his advances when she’d started working at Cameron Design, that Marcus had relegated her to the

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