Love in the Cards (Whole Lotta Love #1)

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Book: Love in the Cards (Whole Lotta Love #1) by S. L. Carpenter, Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L. Carpenter, Sahara Kelly
sex…I’m repeating myself aren’t I?” He dropped light playful kisses on her neck.
    “Just shut up. Shhhh, mmm, just—oh God—just keep doing that…” Maggie closed her eyes, relaxing into her sexual plateau. Deuce burned too as her fingers ran across the muscles of his back, then she spread them apart and tightened as he fucked her. It was bliss. He was growing addicted to how good she made him feel.
    Deuce began to struggle for control. His arms shook and he tried to not drop his weight onto her. Dear Lord, she felt so fucking great. He cringed in agony, straining to hold back his impending need to erupt inside her.
    “Don’t hold back, Deuce—let go. Just let go.” This woman sensed his passion, tuned to his body, responding to him in a way that amazed him.
    Incredible. Unbelievable. His mind gave up looking for adjectives and surrendered to the needs of his cock.
    She couldn’t miss the tightening of his balls each time he plunged into her since they were slapping against her and driving him insane each time they touched her heat. In, out, harder and faster, over and over—he became lost inside her. He gasped for breath, so very close to the edge of his control.
    The tournament vanished, the world vanished—everything narrowed down to the place where their bodies met and parted only to join again.
    With a stifled groan Deuce came. The spurts of his seed coated Maggie’s inner flesh and he had to, at last, let go. The shudders went on and on and he thrust himself as deep as he could, flooding her completely.
    Finally he unlocked his arms and lowered his weight down on top of her. Maggie sucked in a breath and smiled contentedly, bringing a flood of pleasure to his heart as well as his cock.
    This was sex at its finest. A welcoming gush of passion between two people. The warmth of her blood pulsing through her veins heated his own body as she lay beneath him. He felt… What did he feel? At peace .
    Finally he rolled to her side and snuggled her up next to him, grinning as she rested her leg over his. Her fingers teasingly played with the strands of hair on his chest as the two of them lay tangled, quietly catching their breath. His muscles eased, his mind cleared, and the world, for a few more minutes, ceased to exist.
    With a light touch, he stroked her hair as it spread over his shoulder. The romantic delight of the moment caught him up in its magic enchantment and he knew there was something he needed to say.
    “Umm, Maggie? You’re dripping on my leg and it’s sticky.”

Chapter Eight
    “Ladieeees and gentlemen. It’s time to get down…”
    Two of the players assembled shared an identical thought. Too late.
    “And get serious with some pokeeerrrr…”
    The smooth voice of the announcer rolled over the crowded room as the lights dimmed. Several spotlights shone over the green baize table around which four people sat quietly.
    Maggie’s palms were damp and once again she found herself surreptitiously wiping them on her slacks out of sight of her opponents.
    Of whom Deuce was one.
    Just looking at him made her pussy twitch and Maggie dropped her eyes to the hands of the dealer, trying to focus on what mattered this morning. In the cold light of a new day, she had one goal and one goal only.
    To win.
    She had to. She simply had to. This was why she’d come to the Last Resort in the first place. This was the end result of years of playing the game she loved. Her crowning achievement. A vacation in the Caribbean and a nice new home awaited her. Financial security. All the things she’d wanted— still wanted.
    Deuce hadn’t been part of her dreams and she couldn’t afford to think about him now. The sex had been fabulous—fun, wonderful, orgasmic and all those high blown things that had gone past women’s magazines and into the realms of stuff she’d only read about in erotic romance novels by those two crazy authors whose names she couldn’t remember right this minute. She’d had

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