Lingering Touch: The Summer Park Psychics, Book 3
on. I mean, why am I having these dreams? I didn’t touch anything or anyone related to this case. I would have known if I did. Nothing like this has ever happened before.”
    “What did Tommy say about it?”
    “I haven’t told him.”
    “Why not?”
    Finn let out a sigh that felt like it emptied him out. “Dad had a heart attack not too long ago. We almost lost him.” Finn’s voice cracked a bit, but he didn’t let it slow him down. “It scared the crap out of me. He’s worried enough already. If he finds out my powers are…”
    He paused when he looked up at her. All the blood had drained from her face and her mouth was hanging open.
    “You okay?”
    “I…um…” She shook her head and swayed on her feet.
    Finn leapt up and grabbed her, pulling her against his chest. She gripped his arms tight, taking slow, steady breaths. She murmured something too quiet for him to hear.
    “What was that?”
    “You should have called me!”
    She shoved him hard. Pushing him away. Always fucking pushing him away. She staggered to the bench and sat down with her head between her knees.
    After a few moments, she said, “Is he going to be okay?”
    Affection and jealousy were fighting it out inside of Finn. She loved his dad so much. Why the hell couldn’t she love Finn that much? Like he loved her—passionately, completely.
    “The doctors say he needs to be careful. Dad did their rehab and is seeing a specialist.” And the bills were still rolling in. Bills Finn was doing his best to intercept so Dad didn’t worry more. “He’s exercising more and we’re watching what we eat. And he isn’t working so many late hours.”
    “Okay.” She let out a shaky breath. “That’s good.”
    She was worse off than he thought. It made sense, though. She had almost lost Elsa and Rachel. Hearing about Dad when Jazz was already off her game… Yeah, he understood why it was hitting her hard. He was glad to know at least she still cared about his dad.
    “Has Tommy ever been haunted?” she asked.
    Her voice was a little muffled since her face was pointed at the floor. Finn couldn’t have heard her right.
    “Haunted.” Jazz sat back up, looking more stable. “Has he ever run into any ghosts?”
    Finn laughed and shook his head. Jazz didn’t join him.
    “Oh, you’re serious.”
    Her stare turned into a glare and he cleared his throat.
    “He’s never mentioned it. And he would have told me when he taught me about our powers.”
    Jazz nodded. “We need to talk to Tommy. I get that you don’t want to worry him. We’ll figure out a way—”
    “Hold up.” Strolling down his own memory lane had been…awkward and uncomfortable. But he was done. Jazz was a distraction. Being around her was too damned painful. “There is no we . I will figure out a way.”
    “Not this time. I’m in, whether you like it or not.”
    “All I need is more time with this room. I already have a name now. Nicole. I can check with missing persons files and see if I can find more leads.”
    “I’m. In. And there is no way in hell I’m letting you read more of these walls. Not after almost losing you like that.”
    “Look, your concern is touching, but—”
    “You try, and I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.”
    He stared at her, stunned for a moment. “You wouldn’t.”
    She cocked an eyebrow at him, then stood and pulled out her phone. Yeah. She would. He shook his head and smiled.
    “Same old Jazz.”
    If he could manage half of her self-control and determination, he doubted his powers would be acting up at all. Maybe having her along would help. She could keep him from losing himself in the memories he read. He just needed to be sure he didn’t lose his heart again.
    Right. As if it wasn’t already hers.
    He rose to his feet without realizing how close she was standing. A few inches of space separated their bodies. It might as well have been an entire universe.

Chapter Seven
    Jazz wished that Finn was farther

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