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Book: Lamia by Juliandes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliandes
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you will both push together.  Power is never relinquished and can never be taken, even at the end; it is merely loaned.”
    I heard what she was saying but still I could not see what Maria could have done, or when and how Lamia could have taken over.  Did she hatch some kind of escape plan?  I simply nodded and asked what Maria did next.  It was the only way I would get at the answers I sought.
    “ Mateo was away for one or two nights at a time over the following couple of weeks and the girls usually slept together when he was away.  When he was at home, he used them as he pleased.  They both knew that they were safe because the men were so frightened of Mateo finding out.  Then came the time when Mateo had to go away for ten days on business.  The first time Maria noticed there was something wrong was when she got up, flushed the toilet and it didn’t refill.  She went to find out why and found that she had been locked in .  She banged on the door for ages, but nobody came.  Then she noticed the shutters on her window were locked.   She searched for any fruit that she might have left in her room, but there was none.  All she could do was to wait in the semi-darkness until somebody came.
    It was mid-afternoon by the time the door was unlocked and Pablo, Cesar and Leandro walked in.  Leandro was carrying a tray on which stood a jug of water and a mouth-watering feast of bread, meats and fruit.  Maria rushed towards the tray but was headed off by Pablo.  He took her by the arm and led her into the bathroom, where he made it clear that she would have to kneel down and satisfy him before she got anything at all.  Maria refused, saying that he’d better not touch her or she would tell Mateo.  Pablo simply laughed , saying that it was not he that would touch her; rather the other way round.  He had a point.  Maria could hardly tell Mateo that she had been sucking Pablo’s cock while he had been away!  Pablo knew that he couldn’t actually do anything to Maria, but if she was willing.....  Maria still refused and the men left.
    It was three days later when Maria, almost delirious with thirst, finally succumbed.  As soon as the door opened she grabbed Pablo by the arm and led him to the bathroom.  All the laughing and the jeering didn’t affect her.  All that mattered was a long cool drink.  She fell to her knees , fumbling at the buttons as she hurriedly tugged at his trousers.    There was no time for thought; she slid the end between her lips and started pumping for all she was worth.  It was over with very quickly and Maria jumped to her feet and rushed towards the t ray, only to be stopped in her tracks by Cesar who demanded the same treatment.  Maria had no choice and when she was finished, inevitably Leandro also wanted his turn.  Maria was exhausted as well as being dehydrated and she slowly got to her feet just as the door closed.  There on the tray on the floor was a mango and a single glass of water.   She knew that she would be equally thirsty on the following day.  This went on for the next few days and Maria had no choice but to put up with it.  Pablo never missed an opportunity to tell her that it was just practice for when she moved down to the mountain- men ’s quarters.  One day she managed to negotiate for the water to be turned on so that the toilet could be flushed.  They allowed her to flush it and then for the cistern to refill, but they made sure to put chemicals in it so that it couldn’t be drunk.  Then one morning, the door opened and Lina slipped in looking very nervous.  She had heard what was going on and had brought a ewer of water and some bread and fruit.  Maria was very grateful but Lina was too nervous to stay and so she slipped out again, promising to supply more provisions when she could.  Lina was taking a great risk for her and Maria promised herself that she would do her best to repay her.
    Maria refused all further offers to

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