
Read Online Lamia by Juliandes - Free Book Online

Book: Lamia by Juliandes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliandes
ed to listen to her tale, ever expectant of hear ing of the transition of Maria into Lamia.
    “Lina also walked past casting sad eyes over Maria’s plight; the only friendly face that she saw.   Finally, the meeting ended.  Mateo gripped Maria by her hair and pulled her to her feet.  He told her she was making the p lace look untidy, at which he pushed her across the room, causing her to collide with a sofa and end up sprawled across it, shorts still around her ankles.  The men filed past without even a glance in her direction; she did not matter!   She scurried back to her room past the sniggering mountain men and she lay crying face down on her bed.
    Maria hardly heard the door opening; neither would she have cared if she had.  The first thing that registered was a soothing hand on her back and Lina’s voice saying that Mateo had gone out with the other men and that everything would be all right.  Maria relaxed a little at the thought of not having to see Mateo any more that day.  She felt Lina pull off her shorts; then came the soothing balm.   Eventually the two girls fell asleep at one of the rare times when they could afford to relax.
    Maria awoke first, propping herself up on one elbow.  Lina was lying on her back, her top slightly open exposing half of her left breast.  She was young and beautiful and Maria couldn’t resist tugging gently to expose the nipple as well.  It was like a little button on a small but perfectly formed tanned mound.  Lina woke up and saw Maria gazing at her, but she made no protest.  When Maria gently kissed her nipple, Lina pulled open the other side of her top, exposing both breasts.  With all the violence in her life, this was Maria’s chance of a little gentleness and affection.   They were alone together and answerable to no one.  The parts that had been so brutalised could now be soothed by lips and tongue.  For once neither girl needed lubrication as they kissed and pleasured each other in every way they could.”
    Now I was convinced that Lamia was out to shock me and I told her so.
    “Lamia,” I said.  “You won’t shock me by telling me about the things that Maria did.  She was in a dreadful position and if she could find a bit of tenderness and affection, then I think she deserved it!”
    Lamia sighed, taking another swig of her water.  She stared at me intently, making me a little uneasy.
    “What do you want with me?” she asked.
    “I just want to know what happened to my friend,” I answered truthfully.
    “And for this you’ve released me from my bonds, fed and wat ered me and dressed my wound.  Now i n return, the Lamia will teach you about power.  We have only tonight so pay close attention.  I told you that Maria was weak; eventually you’ll recognise this.  Then I’ll teach you real power; the power that is inside everyone.  Once you learn how to recognise this power, you can achieve anything.”
    At this point I did not know what to think.  Lamia was to be executed in a few hours, yet she spoke as if she were giving a lesson to a class of seven-year-olds.   Perhaps this was her way of keeping her mind off what was going to happen to her.
    “Lamia, however powerful you think Maria could have been, the fact remains that she was a prisoner and outnumbered.  The only ally she had was a girl weaker than she was.”
    “You still look at power as being physical.  When two state leaders come together to negotiate a truce, do you think it matters which one of them is physically stronger?  The power struggle is like two people sitting on a sea-saw .  Each one in turn will push off the floor to be higher and more powerful than the other.  Eventually they get tired and they push together at the same time.  The outcome of that push will find the new equilibrium and the decision is made more in favour of the higher one.  The trick is not to fight the battle well and tire yourself out at the beginning, but to recognise the point at which

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