Kiss This
but he wouldn’t get far with that before she branded him a
loser and left him in need of a cold dip in the ocean.
    Well fuck it. He couldn’t force his hands to
behave any longer, and he slid them under her jacket and into her
shirt. She might have tensed just slightly, but she didn’t object,
and just feeling that small amount of her flesh against his fingers
was enough to break him down.
    His discipline became lost at sea.

Chapter Seven
    Camryn couldn’t decide which was louder, the
pounding in her chest or the crashing waves. She couldn’t forget
Teague’s lips on her skin from earlier. He’d also said some really
nice things to her and her body reacted automatically, and because
of that, she wasn’t so sure she appreciated his compliments.
Whatever Teague was doing, it was working. She hadn’t let a guy get
this affectionate with her in the past two years . Brandon
gave her little kisses here and there, but it was never this
intimate. Her body had never reacted to him like it did with
    And now the fear was surfacing again and she
wanted to send it away. She was ready to make an effort and Teague
seemed like a nice candidate. That very fragile organ in her chest
still needed protecting, but the soft and gentle way that Teague
handled her felt assuring. He was definitely pressing his luck by
putting his mouth on her all the time when he “wasn’t” kissing her;
and now she could feel his fingers against the skin on her lower
back and she didn’t know how to react.
    “So tell me more about yourself,” Teague
finally said, speaking softly.
    She didn’t answer right away. Just having
him that close killed the resistance in her that was normally
automatic. And when Teague whispered in the dark, it knocked her
down even more.
    “Well… I’m kind of a nerd, I guess,” she
shrugged. “I like to read a lot. In fact, I rarely even watch TV
because I’d rather read a book.”
    “What do you like to read?”
    “History, actually. And biographies. That’s
really nerdy, right?”
    He lightly laughed. “Nah, that’s cool. Means
you care about the world and the people in it.”
    “I like murder mysteries, too. What about
you? Do you like to read?”
    “Sure. Sports Illustrated , Motor
Trend , Dirt Bike, Surfer, Newsweek …”
    “Magazines, huh?” she smiled.
    “Yeah. I like to read stuff, but I’d rather do instead. Maybe I just don’t have the attention span to
read anything more than a few pages at a time.”
    “You’re a busybody, or do you have ADHD?”
she chuckled.
    “Maybe both,” he smiled. “Speaking of
    Camryn was well aware that his fingers were
still on her skin. They moved slightly and she could feel tingles
race up her spine. “What about bodies?” she barely whispered. Hell,
he was staring at her lips now and she didn’t mean to lick them.
But his eyes met hers, and her hand that had been resting in the
sand seemed to sink deeper into it.
    “I like yours,” he spoke softly.
    His fingers slid up her back further, and
she liked the feel of his soft touch, but he made the mistake of
coming close to her ribs.
    “Jeez!” she jumped, and she automatically
yanked her hand up that was immersed in sand, flinging a pile of it
all over his chest and lap. Even in the dark she could tell what
she’d just done. “Oops,” she said, biting off a laugh.
    “Yeah, I’m full of sand now,” Teague said,
but he was smiling.
    “I’m so sorry. I’m kind of ticklish
    “Huh, good to know. I’ll remember to make
sure we’re not in sand next time.”
    She smiled as Teague pulled himself onto his
feet, but she was dwelling on what “next time” meant.
    He gave Camryn his hand to pull her up, and
then started shaking the sand off of his body. “I haven’t had sand
in my clothes for a while.”
    “You live on the beach,” she stated. “How is
it avoidable?”
    “I don’t go on the beach.”
    She stopped brushing the sand off of herself

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