Keegan's Bride (Mail Order Brides of Texas 2)
door with Kooky in her arms and waited for Keegan to open the door. “Bye, Mama.” Out she went, and he quickly followed.
    Addy hadn’t seen Peg so happy before. In Boston there was no running, no jumping, no fun. She’d been expected to sit and be quiet and if she strayed from either she’d been smacked. How Sondra had allowed it, Addy would never know. It must have been out of fear. William let his fists fly often and it didn’t matter if the recipient of his anger was male or female. She witnessed enough maids running down the hall in tears with their hands to their cheeks.
    If she’d married him, prison or hanging were the only two outcomes for her. Killing him would have been the only course she could have taken. Pinkertons were on her trail. There was no doubt about it. She prayed they’d never find her.
    Keegan, Peg, and Kooky all came barreling inside, full of smiles.
    “I take it you had fun?”
    “Kooky likes me and Daddy.”
    “Is that so?” She glanced over and met Keegan’s gaze. His eyes bore into hers and her stomach tightened. What was it about this man? He made her feel things she’d never known.
    “All dogs like me, it’s just one of my many good qualities.”
    “You have a list of good qualities?”
    “Of course I do.”
    “Such as?”
    “Well, I’m tall and strong, young and healthy. Animals like me, and I work hard. I can read and write. I think that about covers it.”
    She shook her head. “I would add kind, big-hearted, handsome and understanding.”
    “You think I’m handsome?” His eyebrows rose.
    “Did I say handsome? I meant passable.”
    “So I’m ordinary but not unpleasant to look at?”
    Laughing she nodded. “You explained it perfectly.”
    He took a big step and he was right in front of her with his eyes full of humor as he pulled her into an embrace. “It’s a burden you’ll just have to live with.” Slowly he pulled away, his eyes staring into hers. Leaning down, he kissed her.
    Addy startled at first, but the sweetness of his masculine lips on hers stilled her. Her heart beat faster as his tongue licked her lips prompting her to open her mouth. She moaned as he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and just as she was about to reciprocate, Peg pulled at her skirt.
    “Mama, is Daddy hurting you?” Tears were in her eyes.
    Addy instantly pulled away and got down on her knees. Pulling Peg to her, she kissed her cheek. “No one is going to hurt us ever again, Peg. Daddy will take care of us.” She gazed up at Keegan and saw his sadness for them. “We have a new life now, Peg.”
    Kooky started to whine. Keegan scooped the puppy up. “Peg, your puppy needs you.”
    Peg immediately let go of Addy and sat on the floor. She waited for Keegan to deposit the dog in her lap. She gave him one of her angelic smiles. “Kooky, no more hurts. Hitting is not nice.”
    Addy’s heart broke for the little girl. She’d probably seen far too much violence. “A few more minutes until bedtime, Peg.”
    Peg just nodded and kept playing with Kooky.
    Keegan touched her softly on the arm. “Addy, can we talk after Peg goes to sleep?”
    Her heart squeezed. It was bound to be lies she told him. “Yes, of course.” She went about getting the covers turned down and getting Peg’s nightgown out along with a fresh diaper. She passed the mirror on the wall but she couldn’t bring herself to look. All she’d see was a liar.
    It took a bit of doing but Peg finally slept with Kooky on the pillow next to her. Keegan hadn’t been too keen on having a dog in his bed but he relented, easily. Now he sat at the table waiting for her. Perspiration formed on her brow as she slowly walked to the table and sat down.
    “I just want to know what Peg’s been through. I don’t want to mistakenly scare her.”
    Oh, Lord, he’s such a good man . “Her father was a man of discipline. Actually, that’s being generous. Her father was a cruel man. The slightest thing made him mad

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