
Read Online Kimber by Sarah Denier - Free Book Online

Book: Kimber by Sarah Denier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Denier
ya seen yourself? You look like you stepped off the set of a horror film!
You’re covered in blood! You’re goin’ to the hospital, now!”
try to argue back but I feel weak, light headed and nauseous. Maybe the gash on
my head isn’t the only thing the fall gave me. I try to walk on my own, but
seeing the weakness of my body, Luke grabs me. As he ushers me out of Tommy’s
room, I remember the dream and I know I have to find Mike.
are you doin’? Let me help you!” Luke demands as I try easing out of his grip.
just need to talk to Mike for a minute.”
     “ Jesus Kimber! You need to see a doctor before you bleed to death!” His voice rises to
a panicked yell. I know it’s more worry than anger.
Please Luke. I just need to ask him one thing.” Frustrated I try to move past
Luke but my vision becomes unreliable and I have no choice but to grab onto him
for support.
where are you?”  Amber asks as she walks into the room. As soon as she sees me,
she runs back out screaming for Tommy and Joel.
is it?” Tommy asks.
Kimber, there’s so much blood!”
the time Tommy and Joel reach me my blood has soaked through the small washcloth,
into my eye and down my arm.
    “ Holy
shit ! What happened to her?” Tommy asked as he inspects my injury.
says she fell and hit her head on the sink.” Luke explains.
gonna need stitches. Let’s go.”  
expected Tommy to be the rational one. The kind of guy who’d rather fix me up
with super glue and a strip of duck tape. As a motorcycle stunter his body is
littered with scars. But I can’t argue against him, I’m too weak. Placing a
hand on my back, Tommy scoops my legs from under me.
I have to ask Mike something!” I protest.
doesn’t listen as he carries me out of his room, through the hallway and into
the living room. It’s here I spot Mike and make a poor attempt to wiggle free
from Tommy.
Tommy! Mike!”
stop! I’m going to drop you!”
go of me! Please!”
Tommy barks.
go of me!” I say again but this time I demand it. I kick my legs the best I
can, push against Tommy’s chest and give him no other choice but to release me.
I cannot see Mike clearly until he is a few feet away. Before I can get a
single word out I’m back in familiar arms.
is ridiculous!” Luke says angrily. His voice unmasks what little patience he
has left.
somewhere inside I get a surge of strength. I jump from the cradle hold Luke’s
arms have on me. I fight the vertigo and turn to see Luke shocked by my
just, give me a second! Then I’ll go to the hospital.”
are you doing? Let him take you.”
turn around to the sound of Mike’s voice. I have little time to get the answer
I desire. I feel my body betraying me as a sudden tiredness washes over me. I
get straight to the point.
know him Mike. I just need a name.”
Kimber?” He asks in a way that suggests I should be the one giving the answers.
For a second it throws me off.
breathe in deep and start again. “When you came to my birthday party, who did
you come with?”
is he prolonging this? Why can’t he just answer me?
Who brought you to the party?” I ask again grabbing hold of Mike to steady the
I look into his emerald green eyes, I’m sure I’ve started to hallucinate. For
the briefest moment, an evil smile flashes as fast as it fades from across his
mouth as he looks from Luke back to me. He takes me in his arms, supporting my
name, is Leo.” He whispers against my ear.
enough!” And just like that, I’m back in Luke’s arms and out the door.
drives Luke, Amber and I to the hospital downtown. Luke takes his white polo
shirt off to use in applying pressure to my head. I try to protest, knowing

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