Kelly Clan 02 - Connor

Read Online Kelly Clan 02 - Connor by Madison Stevens - Free Book Online

Book: Kelly Clan 02 - Connor by Madison Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Stevens
date had just done a total one-eighty, and she didn’t know if she could even keep up.

Chapter Seven
    Conor eyed Claire from across the table. Sitting there in her red dress, she was just made for all the naughty things he wanted to do. Best of all, she apologized. He couldn’t remember the last time Claire was sorry for anything.
    “Would you stop staring at me? It’s freaking me out,” she snapped at him. It was her go-to response when she was under stress.
    Conor shook his head. “I can’t,” he said. “Look too amazing to stop. I’ve wanted to stare at you all night.”
    He loved how her cheeks turned bright pink at the compliment. With her black hair up in dainty curls and the red dress, she looked more like a delicate rose than the tough as nails woman he had come to know.
    She ate slowly, and he knew she was stalling. The idea of them being together was against everything in her. They had already been this way once, and it hadn’t worked, but last night had shown him something he hadn’t even dared to hope. She still had feelings. Even if she didn’t admit it, they were still there.
    When she finished her last bite, she stood.
    “Bathroom,” she nearly shouted. “I need to use the restroom.”
    Conor laughed a little as she jumped up and ran for the bathroom like he was hot on her heels.
    He cleared the table and rinsed the dishes off in the sink. When he had finished with that, Conor roamed aimlessly around the house. He had always liked her style. At work, it was all business, but at home, everything was simple and soft. He made his way to her bedroom, the place he ultimately wanted to be.
    The bedroom was a rich blue and smelled like her. He loved it from the start. Every part of the room was what he would have expected from her.
    “Well, you don’t waste any time,” Claire said from the door.
    He turned to smile at her. “Should I?”
    She stepped into the room and moved in front of him. “You know this is a really bad idea, right?”
    Conor wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her to his body.
    “I don’t know it’s a bad idea.” He leaned down, so his face was close to hers. “I do know that I’ve never been able to stop me from feeling for you, and I think you feel the same way.”
    She turned her head to the side. “But what’s to say the same thing won’t keep happening? Have things really changed?”
    Conor placed his finger under her chin and brought her face toward him.
    “I can’t make promises,” he said. “But I can say that there is no one that will care more.”
    She gave a weak smile.
    Conor swooped down and pulled her in for a deep kiss, just as he'd been waiting to do all throughout the meal.
    Claire moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer.
    He was a little surprised when her tongue swept into his mouth. They slid across each other, battling.
    It had never bothered him that she was a bit aggressive in bed. In fact, he was excited that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but there were times when he needed to take over.
    Conor pulled back from the kiss and placed soft open-mouthed kisses along her neck.
    He pulled the zipper on the dress and, with little effort, slid the straps down her shoulders. The dress slipped off and pooled on the floor at her feet. He pulled back and stared at her. She’d bought a matching panty and bra set, red just like her dress. The bra revealed bits of her luscious tits, and he groaned.
    “Fuck,” he said, moving forward. His hands skimmed the bare skin he could now touch. He stared deep into her pale green eyes. “You are so beautiful.”
    The pink on her cheeks spread, and he loved watching her squirm.
    He reached around behind her and unclasped the red lace. It looked great, but at this moment, all he wanted was to have her naked and in his arms.
    Claire gasped as he pulled the bra off and tried to cover herself. Conor gently pulled her hands away and looked in her eyes

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