Home Schooled - Learning to Please (Taboo Step Brother Step Sister Erotica)
For as long as I can remember, my family and I have
lived on a farm, miles away from anyone else. Our nearest neighbors
are an old couple that sometimes would babysit for me and my
brother, but other than them we don’t see many other folk around
here. Jimmy, my brother, works the farm with my Pa from sun up to
sun down. He’s 18 now, but he’s been doing that for as long as I
can remember. I’m 18 as well, but I spend most of my days feeding
the chickens and helping my Ma in the kitchen.
    We aren’t twins, Jimmy and I.
Truth be told, he’s not really my brother. Not by blood, anyway.
Just as Pa isn’t really my Pa, but he may as well be as I don’t
even remember my real father. Ma said he was killed in a tractor
accident soon after I was born, and she married my new Pa fairly
soon after that. She needed someone to run the farm, and he was
newly widowed himself, and with a young son to boot. So I guess
they kind of needed each other.
    Since we lived so far from
everyone else, we spent a lot of time at the farm growing up. Since
Jimmy and I were brought together when we were so young, I’ve
always thought of him as my true brother, just as I think of my Pa
as my true Daddy. But Jimmy and I still fight a lot, probably
because we’re so close in age and don’t get to spend enough time
with other kids. Sometimes I wish we were closer.
    As it was, though, the farm became
our playground most of the time, but it was also our school
whenever my parents had time. Of course, anyone who’s lived on a
farm knows that there really isn’t a lot of time, especially when
you just have a family of four with only two men. So although Ma
and Pa did their best to teach us when they could, most of our
lessons were limited to the winter months. Even then, though,
things were busy around here - there are still animals to take care
of, repairs to make on the buildings, etc. That means that even
though I’m already 18, it’s December and I’m having to sit through
another class with my brother and Pa.
    As usual, we were in a large bedroom that my parents
had converted into a little classroom. There was a chalkboard on
the wall and a couple of desks. I was sitting behind one, and my
brother behind the other as my Pa stood in front of us. He liked
for us to be formal, just like a school, so that we’d take it
    “ What are we learning about
today?” Jimmy asked. His desk was a few feet from mine, because
whenever we use to move it closer we’d get in trouble for
distracting each other and fooling around.
    “ I think we need to talk about
biology,” Pa said. “You two are old enough that you should start to
understand how the body works.”
    “ Daddy! I hope you aren’t talking
about the birds and the bees. Mom had that talk with us years
    Daddy smiled, his face opening up and showing his
white teeth. He was a handsome man, and today he was wearing a
light shirt underneath a flannel open top. His broad chest was
still apparent even with both of those layers covering it. “Oh did
she now,” he said. “Well that’s lucky then, because it means we can
move on to more important topics like digestion or your immune
system. What you're referring to is more anatomy, anyway.”
    “ I think the birds and the bees
sounds much more interesting,” said Jimmy. I looked over at him and
he flashed his typical crooked smile. He was the spitting image of
his dad. Dark hair over striking blue eyes, broad shoulders and
chest, and very white teeth. I laughed as well, agreeing with
    “ Well your sister already knows
everything about that topic, so digestion it is,” Daddy
    “ She doesn’t
know everything ,”
Jimmy said. “She just thinks she does.”
    “ I know more than you,” I shot
back. Jimmy always teased me about being a know-it-all but in this
case I’m sure that I did know more than he did.
    “ How would you know more than me,
I got the same talk from mom as you did! Or did you forget that I

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