A Talent for Surrender

Read Online A Talent for Surrender by Madeline Bastinado - Free Book Online

Book: A Talent for Surrender by Madeline Bastinado Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeline Bastinado
her hand over Dan’s, pressing his fingers against her crotch.
    ‘You always need to come.’ He slid his hand away and she sighed in disappointment. He reached behind her and unclipped her bra. He pulled it over her shoulders and down her arms. Her breasts swung free. Her nipples were hard and dark. Dan’s cock twitched. He cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumbs across the tips. He bent his head and put his mouth close to her ear. He whispered, ‘You’re such a . . .’
    ‘Don’t tease me. Say it. You know what I want.’ Sarah’s voice was urgent and excited.
    ‘You’re such a slut.’ Dan squeezed her nipples between thumb and forefinger. ‘You’re a dirty sexy slut who’s obsessed with cock and you want to come all the time.’ His balls ached. His erection was trapped painfully inside his underwear.
    His mouth was millimetres away from her ear. He could feel her hair on his face. He could smell her skin. He pulled hard on her nipples, stretching and elongating her breasts.
    Sarah let out a long moan of pleasure and pain. ‘I need to come now.’ The tone of her voice left Dan in no doubt that she expected to be obeyed.
    He laughed softly. ‘You need to learn to be patient . . .’ He slid to his knees and pulled down her tights. He rolled them down slowly over her thighs. As he uncovered her crotch he could see the moisture on her lips gleaming in the light. Dan’s heart was thumping. His crotch ached.
    She had an hourglass figure that had always reminded Dan of Hollywood actresses of the 1950s like Jane Russell or Ava Gardner. She looked strong and powerful and all woman. He leaned forwards and laid a hand on each of her hips. He brought his face to her crotch and inhaled deeply. He opened his mouth and tongued the top of her cleft, finding her clit. Her body juddered. He laid a tender kiss on her pussy then sat back on his heels, looking up into her face.
    Dan took off his glasses. He folded them and put them into his shirt pocket then unbuttoned his shirt with trembling fingers. He pulled the tails out of his trousers and tossed it aside. He stood up and unzipped his fly. He pushed his trousers and boxers down to his ankles, pausing to undo his shoes and kick them off. He straightened up, naked.
    His cock was standing out in front of him, hard and purple. He could feel the blood pumping under the skin. Sarah took his hand and pulled him over to the bed.
    She sat down then lay back and put her feet on the edge of the bed. She spread her legs. Dan gave his cock a long slow stroke. He sighed as the foreskin slid over his helmet and back. He dropped to his knees.
    ‘I’m not quite sure what it is you want me to do.’ He stroked her thighs with his fingertips and her body quivered.
    She raised herself up on one elbow. ‘Stop teasing. I want an orgasm and I want it now.’
    Sarah’s lips were swollen and dark. The cleft between them was purple and glistening. Her clit stood out, engorged and obvious.
    ‘That’s the trouble with you –’ he ran his tongue along the length of her pussy, making her gasp ‘– you want it all and you want it now. You’re a filthy, cock-hungry slut who’s obsessed with her own cunt.’ He covered her clit with his open mouth and circled it with the tip of his tongue.
    He felt Sarah’s body stiffen. He could taste her salty moisture. His mouth slid against her slippery flesh. Dan’s cock was rigid.
    Dan spread her lips with his fingers and lapped at her clit. Sarah was moaning and gasping. Blood throbbed in his ears. His balls ached.
    Sarah’s clit was hard and tense in his mouth. He reached up and found a nipple. He pinched it, twisting and pulling. She let out a long animal roar and arched her back. Delicious tingles travelled up his nape and over his scalp like ghostly fingertips.
    He squeezed her nipple. Sarah moaned and thrashed. He wrapped his free hand round her hip and held onto her. Dan sucked on her clit and flicked his tongue over the sensitive

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