Keeping Katie (A Mother's Heart #1)

Read Online Keeping Katie (A Mother's Heart #1) by Patricia Keelyn - Free Book Online

Book: Keeping Katie (A Mother's Heart #1) by Patricia Keelyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Keelyn
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Dropping his hat on the counter, he ran his hand through his hair.
    Maureen suppressed the urge to turn and leave the room—just as she did every time she saw him. It was difficult being around him. Since the day he’d shown up at the playground, her emotions rode a roller coaster of annoyance, fear, and desire whenever he was around.
    Logic told her things should be easier. After all, he’d been true to his word. He’d left her alone. In fact, he hardly seemed to notice her anymore. At the diner, Lynn took care of him. On Sundays, he was cordial, but nothing more.
    She told herself to be glad his interest in her had been so short-lived. She should be grateful—and she was. She had begun to feel safe again. Unfortunately, logic couldn’t account for everything in life, and it certainly had nothing to do with her reaction to Alan Parks.
    “You’re late today,” Lynn said, slipping an arm around his. “Busy day fighting crime in greater Wyattville?”
    Alan chuckled. “Nothing more than a couple of farmers arguing over a stray dog in a chicken coop. However,” he said, glancing from Lynn to Maureen, “sounds like the two of you could use a little policing. Was that an argument I heard when I walked in?”
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” Lynn insisted.
    Alan winked at Maureen. “What’s she trying to con you into?”
    “I wasn’t trying to
her into anything,” Lynn stated. “I simply suggested that she come with me to the festival planning meeting this evening. Not that it’s any of your business.”
    “Sounds like a rousing evening to me.” Alan’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “I wouldn’t pass it up if I were you, Maureen.”
    “You’re no help.” Lynn gave him a playful punch in the arm. “For your information, we have a good time.” Sliding off her stool, she walked around the counter. “Now, what do you want to eat? Not that you deserve anything.”
    “Ouch.” Alan grimaced. “Even after I’ve spent all morning making the streets safe for you women?”
    Lynn rolled her eyes and refused to comment. Then she dropped her hands to her hips and managed to look incredibly bored.
    “Can I get a hamburger?” he asked, giving her his best lady-killer smile. “With everything on it.”
    “I don’t know,” she answered with a shrug. “Can you?” Turning on her heels, she retreated to the kitchen.
    “And fries!” Alan called after her.
    Maureen laughed at their antics. She couldn’t help herself. Not when Alan sat there grinning like a schoolboy, his eyes dancing as though he’d never had a serious thought in his life.
    Then he turned those eyes on her, and for a moment, she lost herself. What would it be like to let go with this man? To know those wonderful caramel eyes saw nothing but her. To run her fingers through the hair tickling the back of his collar. To taste his lips on hers …
    “You should smile more often.” Alan’s voice, no longer laughing, penetrated her thoughts. “You have a great smile.”
    Maureen blushed. She wanted to turn away, but it was too late. He held her with eyes shades darker than they’d been moments earlier. Thought fled her mind, and she felt the heat. It radiated from him, scorching her, promising her things she shouldn’t want. Then he released her, and she turned away quickly, back to cleaning up.
    For a while, neither spoke. Maureen fumbled with mustard bottles, chiding herself for letting down her guard, for thinking—even for a while—that she was safe around this man. Alan sat motionless, his gaze intent on the sugar dispenser he rolled between his palms.
    “I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to Lynn’s meeting tonight,” he said, breaking the silence. “Sounds like a real yawner. Especially since you’re new in town.”
    Maureen shrugged, refusing to look at him again. “It’s not that.” If he could pretend nothing had happened, then so could she. But it annoyed her how quickly he switched back to light chatter. “I just

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