Just For You, Sir (Doms of Decadence)

Read Online Just For You, Sir (Doms of Decadence) by Laylah Roberts - Free Book Online

Book: Just For You, Sir (Doms of Decadence) by Laylah Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laylah Roberts
until she was gasping with the need to come.
    “So damn beautiful,” he whispered. “I could watch you like this all day.”
    At that moment she came, bucking in his arms as he slowed his movements , drawing out her orgasm. She shuddered in his arms as he moved his fingers away from her pussy, sucking them into his mouth.
    “So damn sweet.”
    Jacey ducked her head against his chest.
    “Shy ?” He tipped her chin up, meeting her gaze, his eyes like molten pools. “Jacey, I—”
    Jacey slipped from his lap, kneeling on the floor between his legs. She drew his towel open to reveal the thick cock she’d felt pressing against her backside. She didn’t want to talk. Talking couldn’t lead anywhere good. Tonight, she just wanted to feel alive, to feel safe and wanted.
    Because she knew there couldn’t be a tomorrow for them.
    Reaching out, she grasped hold of his firm cock, squeezing it lightly.
    “On no, you don’t, brat. Not again.” Reaching out, he pulled her hand from his cock.
    “You don’t like it?” she asked.
    De rrick raised a brow. “I think how quickly I came in your mouth earlier proves just how much I like you touching me, however, I already owe you a spanking for that little episode, do you really want to double it?”
    Jacey quickly scooted back onto her butt, looking at him warily. Had he really just said that? Where was the caring guy from a few minutes ago? Had she done it again? When the hell would she learn that her instincts when it came to men were shit?
    “Whoa , Jacey, what’s wrong? Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to.” Derrick held out his hand and she shied back, holding her arm up to shield herself.
    “Jacey,” he said, sounding shocked. “Did you think I was going to hit you?”
    “You just said you were!” She dropped her arm, feeling slightly embarrassed as his hand stayed where it was, held out to her. She stood up, feeling at a disadvantage with him looming over her.
    “No, I said I was going to spank you. I would never harm you.”
    “You think a spanking doesn’t hurt?” The beatings Stephan had laid out on her ass had left her in bed for days.
    “Some do,” Derrick admitted. “But I wasn’t talking about a serious spanking. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression. I was talking about the sexy kind of spanking.”
    Sexy kind? What the hell did he mean?
    “Spankings aren’t sexy. Not for me.”
    Why was she sitting here talking to him about this? Why wasn’t she running as fast as she could?
    Because there ’s something about him, pulling me towards him, making me want to trust him.
    Because I don’t want this night to be over , I’m not ready to be alone again.
    “God, you’re a Dom ,” she interrupted, disgusted with herself. “How did I not see that?”
    Boy, did she know how to pick ’em. The one sort of person she’d sworn to never get involved with again and here she was standing naked in front of him. He’d made her come twice. She’d gone down on him. Jacey covered her breasts with one arm, trying to shield her nakedness.
    Did she have a sign on her face? Was it a scent she gave off? Or was she just attracted to assholes who liked to b eat on people?
    She knew that last thought wasn’t fair, Derrick had done nothing to hurt her, but the abuse she’d experienced at Stephan’s hands was still fresh in her mind.
    “I can’t do this,” she whispered.
    Derrick held out his hand. “Jacey, wait, talk to me. Obviously you know something about BDSM—”
    “Enough to know I want nothing to do with it,” she snapped back, looking around for her clothes . Where were they? Oh crap, they were still outside!
    “Jacey, stop,” Derrick commanded. She froze on her way to the door. “Look at me.”
    Bu t her limbs wouldn’t cooperate. She froze, but refused to turn and face him.
    “Okay, that will do. I obviously hit a trigger. Well, I think I bulldozed right on over it. I’m sorry for frightening you, and I want you to know that I

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