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Authors: Admin
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you can cast doubt on any achievement that way.”
    “Well, maybe it is paranoia,” Isaac retorted. “But maybe not.”
    “Anything is possible, but why do you need me?”
    “You’re strong.”
    “Are we planning to beat someone up then?” Abdul chuckled.
    “No, we’re not, and I hope we won’t have to. I read that you’re a hot-shot mathematician and that’s important for my plan.”
    “But just what is your plan, I don’t get it yet.”
    “Find Professor Link.”
    “And more specifically?”
    “There’s nothing specific as of yet. We’ll create the specifics together. We’re going to figure out where Link is.”
    “You know Isaac, maybe I’ll regret this later, but ’m going to pass. I won’t tell anyone about our conversation, but as for joining up – I pass. No hard feelings?”
    Isaac wanted to object, but Abdul stopped him, raising his hand.
    “Until you said something you might repent later, I’ll interrupt you. I’m not interested.
    No details.”
    There was another candidate waiting for him in the evening.

Chapter 6
    The door of the bar swung open and out spilled a colorful pair, both pretty loaded: a
    husky guy in a bandana and a big, bearded lanky hunk. They were talking so loud that Isaac could hear from twenty-feet away.
    “Now that’s what I call a real bike!” said the hunk.
    “You bet…. none of your modern garbage. This is a classic!”
    “Is that a Harley Sportster?”
    “Yep! And not just a Sportster... This is my bro! Even born the same year as me!”
    “Okay, cheers, Bikie. See you in a week or two. Going to Trieste tomorrow and from
    there to Prague, but the Friday after that I’ll be back here.”
    “Ciao, buddy! Smooth riding and no stones on the road.”
    Isaac already knew that Bikie’s shift in the bar was due to end shortly. He had read a lot about this guy and didn’t want trouble, so he addressed him in a familiar tone.
    “Bikie the Biker… that does sound funny.”
    Bikie swung аround and looked Isaac up and down. “What issue do you have with your
    face?” he said menacingly. And, after a pause, added, “We can fix that right now. Now what were you saying?”
    He leaned down bringing his ear close to Isaac’s face. His stubble almost touched Isaac’s nose, the reek of alcohol was abominable. Isaac recoiled, realizing he had clearly overdone it with a sassy approach. Getting a punch in the face wasn’t quite what he was looking for.
    “No, chill dude, it was just a bad joke.”
    “A joke? There’s a trauma wing for jokers in the hospital.”
    “Sorry. Why don’t we just forget about it, and I’ll buy you a beer?”
    “Not one of those queers are you?”
    “Hey-hey, don’t you forget about that trauma unit for jokers.”
    “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Bikie guffawed. “Attaboy, I like you. Just don’t forget that the last guy who joked with me went broke with his dentist’s bill. Okay, let’s have a beer, as long as you are paying.”
    Isaac and Bikie walked into the bar. Everyone here knew Bikie and many of the customers came over to hug him and slap him on the shoulder.
    The shaggy gaunt barman chuckled behind the counter.
    “Back to work? Who’s this with you?”
    “My beer. A special import, from the land of fools,” Bikie replied.
    “Seriously?” Isaac grinned.
    “Since you want something from me, you’ll have to put up with it,” Bikie snapped and
    plumped down on a chair. Compared with Bikie’s beefy frame, Isaac looked really small.
    Not off to a great start, Isaac gritted his teeth, said nothing and sat down beside Bikie. No one had promised this was going to be easy, but Isaac’s enthusiasm for the idea of telling Bikie about his plan kept melting away. The biker seemed too drunk and offensive to deal with. It took all Isaac had not to just slip away.
    Seeing Isaac’s sour face, Bikie slapped him on the shoulder and added good-naturedly.
    “Okay, won’t do it again. You started it, so I got wound up and enjoyed it. I

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