Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4)

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Book: Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4) by Norma Jeanne Karlsson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, romantic suspense, romantic thriller
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wasted trousers and sky high wedges. A crisp tailored white button down to finish off the look with my pearls and designer watch…too much shit first thing in the morning.
    I have no clue what to do with myself now. This is going to be a slow op. Slower than any op I’ve been on. I’ve been on some slow ones where I had to work hard to get close to my mark, but I was always working. In this scenario, we have to be seen and then be brought in by our marks. Seeking them out will blow us faster than just tattooing that shit on our foreheads and running naked through downtown.
    What the hell does a housewife do all day? If we had small children I’d be busy, but we have a self-sufficient teenager. I’m not associated with any committees or boards and if I want to be that’ll take time to work into. We have a gardener and a pool guy and no need for a housekeeper. What am I supposed to do all day?
    “How’d drop off go?” Nick asks striding in the room looking like a Hugo Boss ad, navy suit, white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, and shiny red-hued brown leather shoes. Sexy as hell.
    “He’s a brave man wading into that. You couldn’t pay me in orgasms to convince me to go back to high school,” I joke.
    Nick barks out a laugh before offering me a coy smile.
    “I’m glad to know what your motivations in life are.”
    “ Pfft , I’ll give you a list if you want.”
    We move together to the breakfast table with fresh mugs of coffee, Nick sitting at the head of the table me at his left. These have become our spots it would seem over the last week.
    “Where are you off to today looking all dapper?” I ask over the rim of my mug.
    “Work,” he says like I should know this.
    “Oh, I didn’t know you had anything lined up already.”
    “I set up some meetings at the end of last week. Just getting my face seen in town more than anything.”
    “I have no idea what to do with myself. What do women like me do all day?” I ask with a little hurt in my voice at the idea I’ll actually be alone all day.
    “Shop? Go out with other women? Fuck, I don’t know,” he says with a grimace feeling my pain.
    “What should I shop for? This house is stocked to the gills with everything we could ever need. I’ll feel like a hoarder if I start buying more stuff.”
    “Sunshine, I don’t think it’s lost on you that I have no clue what you should shop for. I’ll hand you my credit card with a smile whenever you figure it out,” he says sweetly.
    “I don’t have my own credit cards?” I ask in shock.
    “It was a joke.” He breaks into a low chuckle.
    “Well I wasn’t sure how far your controlling caveman routine went in life.”
    “I’m not controlling or abusive so please don’t paint me with that brush,” he grunts getting irritated with me.
    “You are controlling, but no, you’re not abusive. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.”
    “What kinda man do you want in life, Kat?”
    “I’m married now so a pool boy would suit my needs just fine,” I say through a wry smile.
    That gifts me a pointed glare.
    “I don’t date so I can’t really answer that. The last boyfriend I had was in high school. The agency recruited me the day I graduated and sent me to training a few days later. You know this job doesn’t allow for personal relationships. Any I’ve had were with marks, so they don’t count. What about you? You spent a decade on an op. Have any relationships during that time?”
    “Not anything serious. The op didn’t allow for anything beyond casual. You’re dodging my question,” he says with a raised brow.
    “I want the dream like every other woman, Nick. I’m a lot to handle so I need someone that can do that without difficulty. I want someone that takes care of me not because I need it but because he wants to. I want time and attention without feeling guilty about wanting it. I want the man that women want and men want to be. A good friend, a soft place to land at the end of the day, a kind

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