I'm All Yours
slapped his body into hers , and Evie closed her eyes. She ’d not only miss having his body close to hers , but yes, she’d admit it, he was a great guy and fun to be aroun d. Who would have thought she would have ever owned up to such a thing ?
    “You could come with m e?” he whispered. His thrusts go t heavier and wilder.
    Evie held the side of the bed, knowing another Kyle - supplied orgasm was brewing.
    “I have to work . I’m… ”
Too late to get any more words out because her head spun, or at least the bed felt it had when another knock - your - socks - off climax washed over her. She sensed she was drooling into the pillow, biting it, as her legs shook. Kyle panted and said her name over and over again as he came , too.
    He held her tight and kissed the side of her face.
    “So do you always read in bed before you turn out the light?” she asked him.
    “Of course. It’s part of my nightly ritual.”
    “You want to do that tonight? You read to me . I read to you.”
    “Oh, yeah, just make sure it’s a sexy story.”

Chapter Nine
    Kyle opened one eye and then the other when he woke the next morning to hear rain beating down on the roof. The paintings on the wall reminded him it wasn’t on his roof but Evie’s. Last night hadn’t been a dream. They’d had a romantic dinner, co me back to her place, made love, and then read to one another before they’d both drifted off to sleep.
    He yawned and turned over in bed hoping to see Evie’s cute face next to him , but instead a letter sat on the pillow.
    Kyle sat up and read it .
    Kyle, I didn’t want to wake you to say goodbye this morning , but I had to get up early to be at the studio by five. You can watch TV in bed. My segment is on just after the news at seven. And there’s bacon and eggs in the fridge , or if you’re on a diet , yogurt and fresh fruit. See you later,
    Evie X
    PS. Last night was fantastic , and you’re right , we do have a lot in common. Hope to see you again very soon.
    He set the note on his chest and put both arms behind his neck and rested his head upon them. Something else they agreed on and that was that last night had been wonderful.  He reached across to the nightstand and picked up the book he’d read to Evie. The Secret Garden . First time he’d read it although h e’d seen the TV adaptation a few times. She’d read him The Count of Monte Cristo during which he’d fallen asleep by chapter three. He knew that had been made into a movie more times than he’d care to remember , but somehow he’d like to star in his own version. Maybe he’d mention it to his manager. And n ot that it or Evie’s voice bored him, but she made him feel at ease, at peace , and hence slumber could come easily. It felt comforting to go to s leep with someone special by your side. Someone to share the troubles of the day.
    Listen to me . I’m getting to be such a romantic. He glanced at the clock , almost seven. Kyle searched around for the remote, found it under a box of tissues, and flipped on the TV. He pressed chann el eight where the news was coming to an end. He rested back on the pillow thinking how nice the rain sounded as it beat against the window panes. Even better if Evie was in bed with me.
    “Next up, our entertainment reporter, Evie Winters.”
    Kyle settled down under the quilt, anticipating her segment. Even if she had to leave him all by his lonesome this morning, seeing her on screen was better than nothing.
    Today she was reporting from outside . Boy did she look s exier than ever. Short skirt, raincoat and long , shiny black boots. She held an umbrella in one hand and the microphone in the other.
    So much to tell you about this morning. News from the music industry and what to look for during th e upcoming summer movie season…
    Kyle tuned out because all he could think about was last night. His hand went under the covers , and he stroked his cock, remembering how he and Evie had made love on top of

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