I'm All Yours
this very bed.
    He looked at the screen again. He felt different from how he had a few days ago. His heart beat double time when he looked at her , and he just felt funny in his stomach .
    I’m in love.
    * ***
    Evie loved her job , but this morning there was something she was lo oking forward to besides being Channel Ei ght’s entertainment reporter. Phoning Kyle and asking him out on a date.
    “Hello , Evie.” He’d answered on the first ring.
    “You catch my segment this morning?”
    “I did , and you looked very sexy, slightly drenched , but alluring nevertheless.”
    “I was wondering if you wa nt to go out on a date tonight?”
    “Well , I was going through my little black book. No, wait a minute. I tossed that out as soon as I got home this morning.”
    They both burst out laughing. “Did you hear that? Me throwing away that little black book because none of the women in it have anything in common with me?”
    “You might change your mind when you hear where I want to go on this date.”
    “ As long as it’s not a trip to the mall.”
    “Nope, something I haven’t done in year s. I drove b y the bowling alley on my way back to the studio , and I th ought it’s about time I bowled again.”
    “You’re kidding, right?”
    “What, you hate it?”
    “I love it. But I warn you I’m good , so don’t think you’re going to beat me, okay ? ”
    “We’ll see about that.”
    * ***
    “You do know that you have to aim the ball down that big thing in the middle of the lane, and not the gutter, right?”
    Evie had been ready to throw when Kyle called out to her.
    She turned and saw him grinning. “I know you’re trying to put me off because I’m gaining on your almost perfect score.”
    “Yeah, right, you’re not even close, honey.”
    Evie swung around, determined to get a strike this time.
    She leaned over and took aim.
    “That is one cute ass.”
    She smiled and rolled. What she t hought was a perfect aim ended up being another gutter ball.
    She walked back to Kyle who was grinning from ear to ear.
    “You are downright wicked,” she said.
    He grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. “Something else we have in common, fierce competitiveness .”
    Evie put her arms around his neck , and they rubbed noses as she saw a flashbulb light up the area beside them. She tu rned to see a bunch of photographers standing there taking shot after shot of them.
    Kyle jumped up almost sending Evie to the ground.
    “Hey guys, come on now, a little privacy here.”
    “How long have the two of you been an item? Was your sprat all set up for publicity ?”
    “Look you’ve got some photos , so now go away,” said Kyle.
    They ignored him and continued to snap away.
    “Come on , let’s head out,” Kyle whispered to Evie . They grabbed their jackets before he snatched her hand and pushed by the photographers who were now in hot pursuit.
    “Shit,” said Kyle. “We have to walk all the way to the parking lot for my car. I don’t know if we can dodge that many.”
    They stepped outsi de where a limo was parked in front . The driver wound down the window.
    “Ms. Sutton sent me, get in.” he shouted to them .
    Kyle opened the door and let Evie get in first, and then jumped in beside her.
    “You okay?” asked the driver as he hit the gas with the photographers’ flashlights illuminating the back of the limo .
    “We are now. How did Ms. Sutton know to send you here?” asked Kyle.
    “Oh, she has her ways and means . Now you two just sit back and enjoy the ride. I assume you want to go to Ms. Winter’s house.”
    “No, tonight she’s going to see my place,” said Kyle.
    Kyle put his arm around Evie. She liked the idea she’d see where Kyle lived. The rain beat down on the top of the limo , and the driver dimmed the lights and then put up the privacy screen.
    “I think he wants us to get romantic,” whispered Evie.
    “Oh , I think we can do that for him.”
    Kyle put his hand under

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