Making Mina 2: Strings Attached

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Book: Making Mina 2: Strings Attached by Tacie Graves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tacie Graves
satisfaction, before she slid her hands up, higher and higher, cupping his chin between trembling fingers so she could draw his face down to her.
    Hot lips touched and clung, and Mina stood there, amazed by the intensity of something as simple as a kiss.  Marco didn’t plunge and plunder, instead his quicksilver tongue danced along, licking at her, nibbling, and finally tugging her plump lower lip until she opened herself completely to him.   
    His breathing was heavy, his mouth searing her where it touched, leaving her moaning as it trailed along the sensitive skin of her neck until he latched on to the place where her fluttering pulse was visible.  Mina could feel his teeth as they dragged against her, knowing he was leaving his mark on her for everyone to see.
    A whispered groan escaped her as he released her and she thought she heard a low laugh in the darkness. Their faces were barely visible in the dim bedroom, the streetlights too far below the windows that marched along the length of the room to cast more than incidental light, but she didn’t need the light.  She knew his face like she knew her own, and she knew the desire stamped on it mirrored hers.
    “Marco,” she whispered against his neck, teasing the corded muscles there with her lips, nipping in an echo of his earlier possession, “I need you.  Please.  Make love to me.”
    His body stiffened under her hands and she couldn’t stop a panicked thought—what if this had actually been an elaborate trick and he was going to pull away and laugh in her face.  Throw her out in the street with nothing, not even her pride, to keep her warm.    The agony lasted a split second and an eternity, and she was almost afraid to breathe, knowing that would mean the Rubicon would be passed.
    She needn’t have worried.  Marco had no intention of letting her go back.
    “Finally you come to your senses and admit it,” he said, satisfaction thick in his voice. “I was about to give up hope and take matters into my own hands.”
    Mina couldn’t help herself.  “And just what would you have done if I hadn’t ‘come to my senses’?”
    Black eyes glittered down at her in the low light. “I’d have tied you down to my bed and made you realize your mistake.” 
    Her mouth was suddenly as dry as other parts of her body were wet.  “You wouldn’t,” she started, but Marco pulled her even tighter into his arms, his hands tight around her. “I will do whatever it takes.  Do not forget that.” There was no question in his voice, no hesitance in his words.  He would let nothing stand in the way of his getting what he wanted, and he wanted—for whatever reason—her.  The power in him attracted her like iron filings to a magnet.  She was drawn, sometimes against her will, into him and she was never going to be able to deny it.
    He felt her shudder in his arms.  “You like that idea, though, don’t you Mina  mia ?” He asked.  “You like the idea of being tied down, helpless, my hands on your body, my lips on every inch of your skin.”
    Terrible visions raced through her head—her stretched taut beneath him, his lips on her nipples, on her clit—and the idea of being completely at his mercy excited her more than she ever thought possible.  A mewling noise escaped her lips and she could feel a liquid longing pool low in her belly.
    “Don’t tease,” she said, surprised at how rough and needy her voice sounded in the empty room.  It wasn’t right—he shouldn’t affect her so deeply, make her so wet and needy—but no one ever told Marco Genovese what he could or couldn’t do.
    “Tease?” He asked.  “You think this is teasing?”  His fingers traced paths of fire along her arms and then stroked firmly down her sides, cupping her bottom when he reached it, only to release her so he could start all over again.
    Mina pressed herself against him, desperate for contact.  “Ye-e-esss…” she hissed as he

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