ICE (The Benders Series)

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Book: ICE (The Benders Series) by B.T Hoax Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.T Hoax
    Britney went slack-jawed at the comment. “What?!” she burst, quickly settling her voice as well. “Congrats. You should have told me!” she said in a new hushed tone.
    Kenna shrugged. “Kind of a weird thing to just blurt out I guess. But you are the only one who knows except Bryce probably so please keep it on the down-low.”
    Her bubbly friend replied quickly, “Of course! But I will demand all the details afterward and of course details on how he asked you out in the first place.”
    “Deal,” Kenna smiled. She couldn’t remember ever having a girlfriend that she could really confide in about boys and dating but honestly liked the thought.
    And just as the conversation ended, a very standard school bell sounded throughout the hallway, signaling for the school day to officially begin.
    “Well, off we go to psychology. You’ll love Mr. Schmidt. He’s a great teacher. So is Mrs. Ochs, she’s a super sweet lady. It’s Mrs. Hoffmann in math that’s the nut. You’ll have to watch out for her,” Britney stated as she grabbed her bag from her locker.
    “Perfect. I’ll need all the tips I can get!” Kenna said with a grin. And together they made their way down a flight of stairs and into a small room of some forty desks facing a large white board. As the school day continued, Kenna realized that that was just about what all the rooms looked like. They were all small, all with about forty desks, a teacher’s desk, and a white board. Though it was monotonous, it was nice to know what to expect from each room.
    And so, as the day progressed, she found that it was quite easy to become familiar with the small school and that navigating through it wouldn’t even qualify as a problem.
    Actually, so far, she hadn’t met a single problem on her first day of school, a thought that was sure to jinx things.
    As the noon bell rang and dismissed the students for lunch, Kenna and Britney made their way to their lockers to rest their books and bags. But when Kenna closed the locker door, she turned and practically ran into the large male standing behind her.
    “Hey, it’s Jason. Remember me, KennDoll? I was the dude who carried you to Brit’s car the other night,” he boasted, reminding Kenna of the humiliation of the Bonfire.
    “Yea, thanks,” Kenna replied though she could hardly stand the sight, sound, or over-cologned smell of the jock.
    “You should come to one of my ball games. I’m due to score my thousandth point this season,” he bragged with a half-smile. Kenna could see the gum between his teeth as he sat there waiting for her response.
    “I don’t know. She’s probably going to come cheer me on at all my games,” Britney said, winking at Kenna, who clearly wanted nothing to do with the conversation with Jason.
    “Well, how’s about a date then? Movie at my place. Nice comfy couch. Popcorn. My awesome face kissing on your awesome face,” he jeered though completely serious.
    “Sorry,” Kenna apologized, trying to turn him down kindly. After all, he was trying to be nice. Maybe he didn’t know how air-headed and arrogant he came off. “I am actually seeing someone. Kinda.”
    The jock looked positively flabbergasted at her decline. “Already? Not someone as great as me? Who are you dating?”
    Kenna swallowed hard and looked to Britney for help. Her friend, however, wasn’t skilled in the art of lying so was altogether quiet at this point.
    “Jon,” Kenna admitted. “We’re not official or anything, but when I date someone I try to keep it at just that someone. Thanks for the offer though.”
    It was blatantly obvious to the girls that Jason was not entirely used to rejection. Nevertheless, the look of anger and shock on his face was enough to cement Kenna’s feeling of impatience with the boy.
    “Huh,” he finally managed to say. “That freak Colewell? Really? Oh well, don’t come begging when you realize that he’s not all that great.”
    “I won’t,” Kenna smiled a

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