ICE (The Benders Series)

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Book: ICE (The Benders Series) by B.T Hoax Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.T Hoax
    Normally Kenna would be nervous for a meeting like this, but the wonder of the winter somehow had her very at ease.
    Probably too at ease. For as she neared the park, she found herself suddenly rear down on the street.
    “Shit,” she whispered under her breath as she hit the hard ground. But upon standing, she was grateful that such an event took place before she was with her date.
    Jon Colewell.
    Upon the days leading up to the date, Kenna decided that she’d do her best to leave her thoughts of the paranormal behind her…or at least inside her. Though the investigator within her longed to examine and interrogate the boy, she decided that for the time being she’d simply enjoy their outing. If she were honest with herself, enjoy would be an understatement as she was secretly thrilled to be meeting the handsome Colewell today.
    Quite frankly, he was one of the best-looking people she’d ever seen. His tousled dark hair, his glowing blue eyes, his ridiculously masculine build…her mouth was watering at the thought of him!
    Despite her crush, Kenna knew better than to let any boy get a big head. So for now, she’d let him play chase a little. But as she looked upon the ice rink to where the boy was waiting for her, she couldn’t help but think that hiding her feelings would be quite a difficult task, more difficult that teaching an overgrown elephant how to climb a tree.
    Nevertheless, she approached Jon with a beautiful easiness with her hair and her posture very relaxed and at ease. There was silence for a moment, but Kenna interrupted the awkwardness as soon as she realized that it existed. “So, what’s on the agenda for our date?” she asked.
    “Do you like hockey?” he asked. “Or skating?”
    “You do know that I’m from Florida, right?” she questioned with a hint of cynicism.
    He immediately smiled at her wit and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.  “So you’ve never skated before?”
    “Not once,” she admitted. “I suppose you want to see me fall on my butt all day then? Is that the plan?”
    “Yep, that’s the plan!” he laughed. “Though judging by how you caught that football, I’d say you have more athletic ability than you let on.”
    Kenna shrugged her shoulders at the compliment. “Well, I’m no superstar, but if there were a bear chasing us in the woods, I’d say there’s a fifty-fifty shot that I outrun you.”
    “Really? Outrun me?” he begged, as he retrieved a pair of white skates and tossed them next to her feet.
    “Well I’d have to trip you first obviously,” she clarified as she took a seat in the cold snow. “Perfect, my butt will be frozen before I fall on it. Brilliant. All numbed up first. But I should be used to that anyway.”
    Jon raised an eyebrow at her mumbling. He then skated to the center of the ice and rested his weight on his hockey stick as he waited for her to lace up her skates.
    “So are you gonna help me or what?” she asked as she completed her tying and felt the snow begin to bite at her heinie.
    “No, you can figure it out,” he replied as he skated in a few perfect figure eights.
    Kenna lifted herself and pushed her way onto the ice. As she tried to stand, she felt herself losing balance and bent to catch herself with her hands.
    “For real, are you going to help me or what?” Kenna fired, feeling both a little embarrassed and slightly irritated.
    “But I’m enjoying my view,” he laughed as he rather roughly grabbed her jacket and pulled her to a stand.
    The pair didn’t hold hands. He more or less dragged her around by her jacket until she’d gained enough confidence to skate on her own.
    Kenna could hardly look up at the Colewell as it required almost all of her concentration to stay upright on her skates. “I hope you don’t consider this romantic,” she blurted as she began to find the skating become a little easier.
    “You’re a natural,” he argued. “This is fun.”
    “Fun for you,” she mumbled. “Well

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