I Want You to Shut the F#ck Up

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Book: I Want You to Shut the F#ck Up by D.L. Hughley Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.L. Hughley
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opposition to gay marriage is based on the fact that marriage means one man and one woman, and it has meant that for thousands of years.
That is a lie
. There are many cultures on earth
where polygamy is practiced. Even the Bible, that book that Santorum claims to love so well, has many instances of polygamy. King David had several wives, and Jewish people revere him so much that the necklace they wear is
the Star of David. I’m not saying I’m for polygamy. I’m saying that to claim marriage
mean one man and one woman doesn’t gibe with current events or the historical record.
    But no one even cares about Santorum’s anti-gay message anymore. The Republicans are so worried about this black man in theWhite House that they’ve put the gay hatred on pause. A majority of servicemen were in favor of repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell”—and Santorum wants to bring it back. That doesn’t make sense even given his theology. If the gay soldiers were being shot in lieu of moral, straight Christian soldiers, shouldn’t he consider that a
    Poor Rick Santorum. I just can’t understand
he does well—except put his foot in his mouth. He said, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.” Let’s substitute a group that gets far more from the government: senior citizens. How would that sound? “I don’t want to make seniors’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.” The difference, in the mind of Santorum and those like him, is that black people
to be unemployed and
to be on the dole. We are the “undeserving” poor. The argument would be that old people can’t really be expected to go out and work. Well, how in fuck is a person in the inner city supposed to find a job when unemployment is approaching
50 percent
? The level of unemployment is systemic—and Santorum
this. He admits to it every time he attacks President Obama on the issue. Systemic means
it ain’t your fault
    One of the worst qualities of Rick Santorum is his absolute inability to learn from history. Conservatives like to claim that they look at the historical record and apply those lessons to the present day to solve problems. Okay, Senator Shit for Brains, let’s pull up a chair and have ourselves a history lesson. What Santorum and the lunatics really want in the Middle East is another Crusade. During the Crusades, Christians kept sending men to try to recapture the Middle East—and they got slaughtered. One would think thatconservative Rick Santorum, someone who allegedly looks at the historical record and applies those lessons to the present day to solve problems, would have learned from the lessons of the Crusades—not to mention 2003 and Iraq. But not only will he not
them, he downright
them. Here he is in his own words: “The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical. And that is what the perception is by the American Left who hates Christendom.” And by “American Left” he means “every history book ever written on the subject ever.”
    Santorum, who worships the Prince of Peace, is front and center in beating the war drums for invading Iran. He claims that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons or is about to have them, and that they will unleash them immediately upon civilian targets. He argues that there is no dealing with Iran because they will start this war for bizarre religious reasons, according to obscure prophecies intended to presage the end of the world.
    All the things that Santorum alleges against Iran have been perpetrated already by the United States
. One nation and only one nation has used nuclear weapons in a military context, and it’s
. We nuked Hiroshima,

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