as his lip curls in the
corner with disapproval.
    I need to
calm down and think things through before I say anything more, so instead I
switch the topic. “Promise me you won't tell Tate about the cutting or the
abuse. Please? If you won't for me, then at least do it for Tate. He just lost
Sean and he doesn't need the added drama of my issues. If he finds out about
Cole, he'll do something stupid and you know I'm right.”
    “I'll make
you a temporary deal,” he says as his eyes narrow on me with determination. “I
won't tell Tate about either, if you willingly open up to me about the cutting and whatever else is going on with you. I mean it. I work tonight, but tomorrow
night you owe me the evening and we're going to have a long talk.”
    I nod with
resignation. If baring my soul to Noah meant keeping my brother out of my mess,
then I guess it would be worth it.
    “You stay
away from Cole for a while as well,” he adds.
    “Okay.” That
one will be easy enough because when Cole's mad, he avoids me like the plague.
    The next
morning my mood is dark and grim. It's going to be a bad, bad day. First off, I
am dreading the conversation I'd foolishly promised Noah in the heat of
desperation. I have no idea how much I plan on telling him, but I do know I
need to get Noah to understand that I am not the girl he thinks I am. He needs
to stop trying to save me all the time. It's like torture being around him now
that he has feelings for me.
    As for
Cole...I have no idea what happens now. Either he'll get over it or we break
up. As usual, I know the smart choice would be to end it with him, but if I do
that, then I will be once again completely alone. I've destroyed everything
with Noah, or I will by the end of tonight and my brother is rarely around.
When I'd moved here, I'd wanted a change from my old life, but I hadn't been
expecting any of this. I've basically exchanged one abusive life for another.
    With grim
resolve, I force myself to head downstairs for breakfast. When I enter the
kitchen, I can hear Tate talking in an odd sort of excited tone to Noah—who as
usual is sitting at the island counter with his back to the hall. I walk past
him and head for the refrigerator to grab my breakfast.
Blayre,” Tate greets.
    “Hey.” I
grab an apple and shut the refrigerator door.
    “Morning,” I
hear Noah say.
    I'd like to
ignore him but I turn so he can read my lips. My eyes lift and they abruptly
widen as I take in the dark purple bruise marring his strong jaw. My mouth
falls open as I demand, “What the hell happened?”
    Tate speaks
up before Noah can. “He tried to split up a fight at the Grill last night and
ended up in one himself. I wish I would have been there. I'm a cop and Noah can
even lay me flat. He's been taking mixed martial arts classes for years,” he
says admirably and clearly he's just like any other red-blooded male—he enjoys
a good fight.
    I turn on
Noah and he meets my gaze, his brown eyes deliberate as he says, “The other guy
looks much worse.”
    Damn Cole.
    Instead of
getting out of my car when I arrive at school, I wait and watch to see when
Cole arrives. I can't believe he'd gone after Noah. Obviously the man can take
care of himself but still...you don't go and beat up a deaf guy.
    I'm seething
with anger and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if someone told me I have steam
coming out of my ears. My opinion of Cole has changed since I'd woken up this
morning and I've decided that at this point, I want nothing to do with him.
Does that mean I want to break up with him? I don't know yet, but I do need
some time away from him to try to clear my head.
    When I hear the
roar of a motorcycle, I look up and watch as Cole cruises into the parking lot
and finds a parking space several down from mine. It's getting late and most of
the students have left to go inside before the final bell rings.
    I climb out
and slam my car door shut before heading straight for him. He's just climbed

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