I Hate You...I Think

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Book: I Hate You...I Think by Anna Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Davis
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now. I should have gone with Kimmy, but I didn't want to get in the cold water. He sat down next to me looking at me intently.
                  "So, why are you trying to avoid me?" Oliver asked in his smooth sexy voice. Wow, did I just think sexy? I mentally slapped myself.
                  "You were being an ass last night," I told him lying back down on my towel and put my sun glasses back on. With my glasses on I knew he couldn't see my eyes so I let them travel over his body. He was leaning on one arm his body half turned toward me.
                  "Like what you see?" He asked with that smirk I hate so much.
                  "What?" I asked bewildered staring up at him. He couldn't have possibly seen I was checking him out. He gave me an all knowing smirk.
                  "What's with the tattoos you all have?" I asked making him turn around so I could look at it. It was a bat that looked like it was flying. Its wings were up but there were holes all in them and it looked all evil and stuff.
                  "It's our symbol," Oliver grinned.
                  "Your symbol?"
                  "You know, gang symbol," he said talking in a baby voice, like I was stupid.
                  I smacked him in the arm. He snatched it and pressed it to the rock hovering over me. My breath caught in my throat.
                  "So...umm...what is your name? Like gang name?" I asked awkwardly. The close proximity making me nervous.
                  "Shadow stalkers, it's kind of fitting. Bat's stalk the night looking for their pray," Oliver gave me a seductive grin. I stared up at him.
                  "You look very beautiful today," he commented in his silky voice. His hair fell over his eyes and I want to reach up and move it.
                  "And, how many girls do you tell that to," I scoffed trying to get him to let go of my arm so I could get as far away from him as possible.
                  "Quite a few," he told me bluntly.
                  I scowled at him.
                  "But, you’re the only one I have told that I meant," he said.
                  I laughed. "Yeah, sure."
                  "Why are you here anyways?" I asked annoyed.
                  "Well, you see I talked to you on the phone and-"
                  "Don't be a smart ass," I groaned.
                  "You think my ass is smart?" He asked amused.
                  "Oh shut up, Oliver. I meant why do you even care where I am? Why were you so bossy on the phone?"
                  He shrugged.
                  "Of all the girls in the world why do you have to pick on me? There are other girls you can pick on and they would like it. Like that chick in the coffee shop or that girl in your class," I told him my patience running thin.
                  "Trust me, I don't enjoy how they flirt with me," Oliver sighed pushing his hair out of his face.
                  "Most guys like that, though," I pressed.
                  "Yeah, well I don't, Everlyn. I'm not like most guys," Oliver told me his eyes staring directly into mine a smirk on his face. I don't know why my stomach fluttered when he said my name.
                  "Yeah, you’re my hot professor, who is bi-polar and likes to fist fight people. With a psychopath from a rival gang who wants to beat your face in and you won't let me know why you decided to drag me into your problems. Oh and you’re an evil little monster. Yeah, your right not normal at all."
                  "I knew he liked me," Oliver purred leaning closer that smirk permanently glued to his face.
                  "When did I say that?" I demanded.
                  "You said I'm

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